Chapter 101

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The night market lights flickered under the dark sky.

Having enlisted the magic of the ring, I was now watching a circus performance next to Carlisle.

"Wow! Mom, look! The flower has turned into a dove!"

Carlisle's eyes widened as the rose turned into a snow-white bird following the hypnotizing movements of the magician.

Carlisle was struck by that strange sight, because it was seen for the first time.

"Yes! Awesome!"

At that moment, the magician clapped his hands, and dozens of roses fell from heaven, simultaneously turning into white birds.


There were cheers and applause.

White birds looked especially impressive against the black sky.

This time even I was sincerely admired.

With the whistle of the owners, the birds scattered through the cages. Voices rang out calling.

"Nice doll, and for only 10 copper!"

As soon as those words were spoken, I felt the strength in Carlisle's little hand.

I saw how his eyes sparkle, as if telling me: "I want this for myself."

"Can I buy a doll?"

This was within my expectations.

"Of course!"

Carlisle was so sweet right now that it stabbed my heart.

Oh, how sweet it is.

Holding Carlisle tightly and barely suppressing the urge to kiss him on the cheeks, I gestured to the circus performer with a doll in his hands.

"I'll buy one."

"Mom, my mom is the best in the world!"

At that moment, I heard Jed's voice.


Jed returned, who was leaving to buy something to eat.

"Uncle Jed!"

My son let go of my hand and ran to Jed.


Dumped me like that easily?

Whether he suspects the absurdities in my heart or not, Jed also rushed to Carlisle.

I was eating ice cream at that time.

My loneliness was only for a moment, and Carlisle returned to me with ice cream in his hands.



"Uncle bought your favorite, chocolate. If you like it, please kiss me on the cheek."

What else have you thought of?

When Carlisle actually kissed Jed on the cheek, Jed chuckled happily.

"How are you with me, Carlisle? With your own mom? "

When I looked down, feigning resentment, Carlisle opened his eyes wide and reached for me.

"I like my mom too."

Carlisle came over and kissed me on the cheek.

"You are so cute, that's the truth.

Carlisle resisted when I hugged him tightly, succumbing to the unbearable beauty.

"I can not breathe."


"Oh, the dancing begins," came from Jed's direction.

Then I saw that people started dancing with the circus troupe.

Cheerful music poured, and the faces of the visitors shone.

As more and more people gathered, and the kids began to run here and there.

I like to hear the laughter of children, and when I smiled without noticing it, Carlisle gave me:

"Mom, mom, can I play with them?"

Carlisle pointed to the spot where the children were gathered.

"Umm ..."

"Mom, I'll just play a little."

While I hesitated, Carlisle resorted to his puppy gaze again.

"Ellie, maybe it's okay? He's only for a minute."

The gaze attack had already passed. But now Jed comes into play.

"I'll look after him. He will be close."

He grabbed the child and walked away.

"Yes Yes!"

Like a puppy looking to run away, Carlisle seeded next to him.

"Be careful."

When my permission was heard, Carlisle ran at a gallop, as if he knew so in advance.

The children greeted Carlisle with excitement, and they quickly got along. Carlisle's face was happy, which made me feel better too.

"There are only ten days left."

Jed flinched slightly at my words.


Ten days later, Carlisle departs for the Lund Kingdom Academy. The admission period has long passed, but I slipped them some money so that they would write it down in the middle of the year.

The place was familiar to him, but it was still scary to send Carlisle alone.

Jed patted me on the shoulder, seeing the worry on my face.

"Don't worry so much. Carlisle will get used to it too. Your child is active and lively. Are you going to hide it all your life?"

"Only... because I want to keep him safe."

This decision was made to protect Carlisle, but I often thought it was making his life difficult.

"Hmm... Ellie."

Hearing the call, I turned to face Jed. He said looking into my eyes.

"You're doing everything you can to cover up Carlisle. You put your whole life on it. If you were a selfish mother, you would try to make him a prince. But you are a good mother, so it never ceased to feel guilty here."

"Jed, thanks."

"No, well, I'm just honest that I tell you ..."

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Jed's voice was suddenly interrupted by a series of clapping. These are the firecrackers of circus performers exploded with bright sparks.

How many people gathered to watch the fireworks.

"I need to get Carlisle back."

The crowd grew like a snowball. I hurried to the place where the children were playing.

However, it was not easy to break through the assembled crowd.

"Wait a minute. Please, sorry."

Jed worked with his elbows and pushed people to the sides, but it was not easy.

"Oh, and where did we suddenly surface? What a shit. Ellie, can you see him? "

"Not that."

No matter how much I looked around, I didn't see Carlisle, so my heart sank into my heels.

"I don't see him."

I kept looking around, but no matter how much I looked, Carlisle was nowhere to be found.

It seemed that the blood all over his body had suddenly cooled down. A tremendous, indescribable horror seized me and threw me into a shiver.

If I lost Carlisle... If he was kidnapped...

"Carlisle! Carlisle!"

Even when I screamed his name like crazy, there was no answer.

"Ellie, take it easy."

Jed grabbed hold of me. Little by little, my consciousness came back from his strong grip.

"He couldn't have gone too far."

Time has passed, he must be somewhere nearby.

Just as Jed was about to push people aside again, a boy came up to us.

"This Carlisle of yours, is this a boy with blond hair and purple eyes?"

The boy, who appeared to be about thirteen years old, spoke, drawing a silhouette of Carlisle in the air with his hand.

"Right. Do you know where he is?"

When asked urgently, the boy pointed aside.

"He went to where the dolls are."


Jed and I hurriedly answered the boy and rushed to the market.


"Your Majesty, please be careful on your way back."

The emperor did not heed Jeremy's worries and did not answer.

"I despise House Drua. And that is why I will be the last of such a surname. If Your Majesty believes in me, I will fulfill my part and leave the empire on the very day when everything here will be decided."

"How can I trust you?"

"Didn't you say you knew the relationship between Lady Croft and me? And you probably already guessed what place it occupies in my heart. But Lady Croft is loyal to His Majesty. In the end, I will not betray you either."

It's not that he couldn't betray the emperor.

He said he wouldn't, because he cherishes Ellie.

Drua's heir did not tell me a single lie to-day.

But the more the truth was connected with Ellie, the more it burned inside me. It hurt, as if something was gnawing at me. But what made me even more angry - now I need the help of this Drua.

He was the best person who could gather evidence of the conspiracy between Sios and Drois.

"All this action is very annoying to me."

My heart is now consumed with sheer disappointment, and I simply could not give another answer.

"Your Majesty, would you like to leave now?"

Carter asked.

Leaving the bar, they rode through the city, where the night market was in full swing.

In contrast to his current sadness, Raymond saw a vibrant celebration in the marketplace and suddenly remembered the time he had met Ellie there.

Some time had passed, but when he remembered those moments with her, disappointment receded a little.

Raymond looked at the night market and dismounted.

"Guys, stay here. I'll look around a bit and come."

The night market was as lively as it was then. Music was playing in the square, and people were gazing enthusiastically at the stalls on both sides of the market.

While walking slowly through the market, imagining shared moments with Ellie, Raymond tripped over something.

"Oh sorry."

As he turned his gaze to that childish voice, violet eyes met his gaze.

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