Chapter 62

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"He runs the empire's branch of the Phoenix Organization. And he is the one who helped me."

"So, you did not deny that it was you under someone else's disguise.

"What good is there to deny it. I only moved in the shadows because the Duke's position was precarious. And when I ran into His Majesty... That was a surprise."

"Is this and all of your relationship with a man named Lumont?"

"What else should be between us?"

He immediately shook his head, frowning at my answer.

"Nothing. Looks like I was wrong. I'm sorry."

"As you say."

"Okay. Then, since you are so busy now, I will not detain you anymore. I think I have done so beyond measure."

"Do you... have no more questions?"

I could not hide my embarrassment and looked at him.

Of course, I thought he was demanding a full story about the organization.

Instead of using the imperial power to restore my honor, his purpose is to cooperate with the Phoenix... or not?

If it's not because of the Phoenix, why are you trying so hard to cover me and my father?

The confusion in my head obscured the whole picture. And while I looked at him with confused eyes, Raymond calmly replied.

"No. I have already learned everything that was interesting to me. "

Don't you want anything else?

I swallowed a question that was about to fly out of my mouth.

Such altruism on his part was just strange and awkward.

And it seemed that if I spent even more time with him, it would only aggravate my confusion. The new Raymond I met six years later was strange.

"Then I'll go."

When I turned to leave the office, he suddenly called me.


The obsidian black eyes that I once loved so much were now staring at me.

"As you yourself know, Count Barten was not a real organizer. So be careful."

"Don't worry."

Leaving the main palace, I took a deep breath to recover. The conversation was short, but I was very tired.

Everything was wrong.

The more I thought, the more I was confused by the snatches of emotion that suddenly came to life, but now they pierced right through me.

I completely rooted Raymond out of my memory, I thought so... Or not?

A light breeze shook my hair, but my weary mind did not cool down.

Is this how it was supposed to be?

The blows of the horseshoes gradually approached, and the carriage stopped in front of the main palace.

The carriage of the imperial family.

With the exception of Raymond, there was only one person in the imperial family who rode around in the imperial carriage.

Edmund Egrita.

Son of Raymond and Lisa and the first prince of the empire.

The door opened and the boy stuck his head out.

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