Awakening of Omegaα

Start from the beginning

She continued to have a back-and-forth with herself until we were met with an ominous silence.

Omegaα began speaking, "I'll bring ruin to this world if you don't give me one good reason to give the Council a second chance."

Calli and I ran towards her, ready to slash her enough to immobilize her. To hell with that! I won't fucking let you taint Mumei like that!" I yelled as we both swung our weapons at her.

Her scythe and my sword got stopped before they could hit her by seemingly nothing. "You mortals are pathetic..." Omegaα said as she walked over to Calli, plunging her arm into her stomach.

I knew Calli wouldn't die of that since she has regeneration, but that still probably hurts like hell.

"I like how you people think you can beat me. I'm above you. I created you!" Omegaα yelled, swiftly kicking me away.

"Alright, Kronii Fauna." I have a plan to stop Omegaα and spare Mumei, but you will have to bear with me! " Irys said.

"N-no...." Bae coughed, struggling to stand up, "Today we kill her." She panted.

"I agree today we kill Bae, right Mumei?" Omegaα said, licking her lips, as she ran towards Bae, kicking her again before she could stand up.

"I think Chaos is the most usless one of you lot," Omegaα scowled.

"Kronii and Fauna, take Bae out of here. She's getting in the way." Irys grumbled, and the two reluctantly did as told, not wanting to leave Mumei but knowing they had to do so.

We watched them leave and Irys turned to Calli and me and said, "You two back me up." Irys said. We nodded, understanding what we had to do.

I ran towards Omegaα, who seemed to have let their guard down due to the straightforward attack, "Kiara heads up!"
Calli screamed, throwing her scythe at me. I grabbed it, jumping upwards and impairing Mumei in the back with a strong overhead swing.

Irys then ran up and punched Mumei as hard in the stomach as she could. Suddenly, she was gone, appearing behind Irys, not having any damage at all.

"Mortals think they can kill me." Omegaα sighed Irys was far from a mortal, but in her eyes, we were all pathetic.

She grabbed Irys and I by the throats, picking us up and squeezing hard. Zeta came running in, stabbing her from behind, knowing that she had to be the one Omegaα had their eyes on.

Zeta began clashing with Omegaα, fairing pretty well. Then again, it was not like she would last long and she was too focused on Kaela.

"Get out of here!" I yelled to Kaela, who heeded that call.

Omegaα was suddenly hit by a syringe as Ame and Ollie walked into the room. Ollie went to run at Mumei, but Ame tripped her, making her tumble into Reine.

"Ollie, this is no place for you..." Ame scowled, getting serious.

Zeta stared at the four of us and smiled, "I'll get Kaela, Reine, and Ollie out of here. I'll take them to where Moona and Anya went." She explained

"Got it!" I yelled, tossing Calli her scythe back. She put the weapon in her mouth, extending her arm out. I instantly knew what she wanted me to do. I took my sword and cut her arm off.

She took a cloth out of her pocket, wrapped it tightly around her arm to stop the bleeding and prompted Irys to pick up her arm. Irys was so confused as all hell as to what the plan was.

"Throw the arm when the time is right!" Calli yelled, not elaborating further as she and I ran at Mumei, this time with Ame as support.

Calli and I were just a diversion. Ame was the main course. She threw ten syringes that were tied to stings at Mumei, pausing some of them in time so she didn't know which ones to deflect. Three or four of them managed to hit her.

Calli and I followed up by stabbing her in the side, but yet again she suddenly disappeared, appearing behind Ame with no injuries preparing to stab her with Mumei's dagger.

Irys threw Calli's arm as Omegaα thrusted the blade towards Ame. The arm collided with hers, instantly breaking it. Ame rewound Calli's arm so it would reattach to her.

"Alright now, Kiara!" Calli yelled. I ran at Mumei, capturing her in a hug. She seemed to have to process this.

"Kiara, you have to show Omegaα you are strong." Mumei had barely finished speaking before being taken over again.

Omegaα knocked me away, but I knew I would be able to reach Mumei if I tried hard enough.

Omegaα reached for Ame ready to kill her, but out of nowhere she was hit by a trident. She didn't seem to expect it, so damage was actually done.

"Mumei, we will save you!" Gura growled as Ame jumped back to her side, taking the trident with her.

Despite it now being a five on one, I wasn't sure if we could win. All I could do was hope and pray that this wasn't the end of us.

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