Gloxinia x Goddess reader

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Hey guys, this was a request from @Shrimp12078. I won't be able to post next week because of final exams, but I hope you enjoy!

(Funny number, funny number)

It had been almost two months since he had died, but you couldn't handle dealing with people forcing you out into the world again with so much stress still on your shoulders.

Your grandfather had died of a heart attack, and he had been in good health when he had, so his death was like a sudden harsh wound with salt poured in it. You had cried for days and days, comforted by silence and being alone, being isolated by yourself. Another comfort that you had was your boyfriend, Gloxinia, who was there for you every step of the way through the troubling times, and still did so even now. The only problem with that was that your boyfriend still had to go home every night, leaving you alone with your family and your thoughts. He also didn't know that your grandfather had died, and thought that it was a pet or a particular horse you liked that was making you sad.

Your mother yelled at you when you came downstairs, telling you to go out and feed the horses and the other livestock. You were from the Goddess Race, and you were a renowned healer. Gloxinia was the light in your life after your grandfather died, and he was the most supportive person in your life. You walked outside and took a deep breath, trying to calm down, when your father walked outside and saw you sitting against the wall. He sighed deeply, walking over to you and sitting beside you. Out of everyone, your father was the most understanding toward you, since it was his father that had died, so he knew how you felt. He put his hand on your shoulder. "Hey, it's going to be alright, ok? I'm sure that we'll get through this together." He got back up and helped you up to your feet. "Now then, help me feed these horses, please." He asked.

You sighed after a long day of doing chores and dealing with your mother nagging you all day. You trudged up to your room and fell onto your bed, exhausted from the work of today. You got back up, showered, and then changed into your pajamas. You then got back in bed and laid there, thinking back to times when your grandfather would show you different artifacts he had found on his expeditions with his soldiers in the army. You remembered his cheerful attitude and positive outlook on his life. You remembered one occasion when you were much younger, back when you were barely able to fly with your then small wings. You remembered him helping your father teach you how to fly, and how to safely glide when you needed to. Tears welled up in your eyes as you thought back to those days. Within minutes, you were sobbing into your pillow, tears rolling down your face. You felt someone gently brush them away, and looked up to see Gloxinia, a concerned frown on his face. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked, kneeling down to your level. You shook your head and sat up in front of him. You got up and hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder as he put a hand on your shoulder, guiding you to sit down on the bed. "Just take a deep breath and calm down." Gloxinia tried, wrapping his arms around you as he looked at you. He should have known that you were feeling like this, but he hadn't paid enough attention, and he felt terrible that he hadn't. Gloxinia noticed that you had stopped crying, and looked down at you again. "Are you ok now?" He asked, causing you to nod softly. He tilted your chin up to where you were looking at him, and rested his forehead against yours. "Your father called me and told me that you seemed stressed. You know that I don't like reading minds without permission, but I had to make sure. Why didn't you tell me you lost a family member?" He asked, cupping your face in his hands. You shook your head and rested against his chest, laying down on the bed with him. "I didn't want to stress you more than I had to. You're the Fairy King, you have a kingdom to watch over, and people to protect. I don't want to bother you because you have enough stress on your shoulders as is." You replied, causing Gloxinia to shake his head. "I will never be too busy or stressed to listen to you. You mean the world to me, (Y/N). Please understand that." He said, getting under the covers with you as the two of you laid down. "I care about you so much, so please tell me if things get to be too much for you to handle, alright?" He asked, causing you to nod. Gloxinia smiled softly. "Good, now then, let's rest, ok? You look exhausted." He advised, causing you to nod before collapsing onto his chest, and laying down on him. Gloxinia smiled and leaned down, pressing his lips against yours in a tender kiss. You closed your eyes and relaxed, falling asleep in his arms as he drifted off to sleep with you, holding you close to him before he finally slipped into sleep's embrace.

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