Gloxinia x reader fluffy angst

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Hey guys, this was a request from @Shrimp12078. Hope you enjoy!

You had been waiting for so long to see him again after 3,000 years, and now your husband didn't even recognize you. You had tears in your eyes as Gloxinia put you on a platform against two assassins who you had underestimated, and they managed to poison you. So, naturally, you used your resources, catching the attention of not only Drole, but your husband as well. Gloxinia watched as you used your Spirit Spear, Spirit Spear Thorn Grove, to heal yourself using moonrise, like he did. His honey gold eyes widened as you used your spear's guardian form, which was a butterfly, to smack them out of the ring. Since you had to use an excessive amount of power, your wings were revealed, confirming his suspicions about your identity. Just before Drole trapped everyone, he used Basquias to trap you in a small cocoon-like structure using Emerald Octo. you couldn't fight against it with your weakened body due to the pheromones that the Spirit Spear released clouding your senses and putting you to sleep.

You woke up tied up with thorny vines, which nicked your skin and wings, scratching you and making movement an excruciating experience. You looked around and saw that you were in a forest of some sort. No, you were in Ore Tree Orudora, a magic attack which combined Gloxinia and Drole's powers and used them to make an elastic plant structure thing. You were still in the tavern uniform, and, though you wore shorts underneath, it still exposed a lot more skin than the usual outfit you wore. Curse you, Meliodas. I'm going to punch you when I see you again. You thought to yourself before hearing a deep and booming voice behind you. "Well then, looks like she's finally awake, Gloxinia." It was Drole. You fell over onto your back, yelping in pain as the thorns dug deeper into your skin and wings. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you tried desperately not to let them slip. You didn't want him to see you in this state, and desperately hid your face in the grass below, rolling over to try to get into a more comfortable position, but failing as the thorns now dug into your arm and your thigh. "Dear goodness, you look terrible, (Y/N). Here, let me heal you, I'm sorry the vines were so tight, but I didn't know how you would react." There it was. That was the final straw for you, forcing you to stop holding back the tears that threatened to fall, and causing you to shake slightly from fear as he approached you. When the thorns unwrapped away from your body, you backed up and jumped away from Gloxinia's touch, afraid that he would hit you if he got too close to you. You recalled every time you trusted someone before him, whether that be a human, giant, celestial, goddess, or fairy, and you recalled how many times they had betrayed you over and over again. To you, this was another stupid betrayal because you let him into your heart, and you trusted him to take care of and love you. You fell to your knees as the tears finally started to fall, rolling down your cheeks as you shook with soft sobs. Gloxinia's eyes widened as you covered your face with your hands, rushing over to comfort you. "(Y/N), are you-" "No I'm not ok! I'm so tired of telling people that I'm alright after I get left behind again and again. I'm tired of being used as a scapegoat for others to lie and cheat and steal from me before abandoning and betraying me! I'm sick of it!" you yelled, whirlwinds whipping around you as you lost control of your emotions. "All I've ever wanted was someone who didn't abandon me, like how Meliodas refuses to leave Elizabeth behind no matter how many times she dies! I'm done trusting people like you, only for them to leave me!" you yelled, sobbing as Drole shaded his eyes so as to not let anything get into them. You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, before you felt Gloxinia's lips against your own. "You're right, I should have told you that I wouldn't be able to come back, but the thought of you seeing the monsters the two of us have become was too much for me. I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I know you shouldn't forgive me, so just let me apologize for the long time I left you alone like that." he hugged you tightly, wrapping his arms around your waist and putting his head on top of yours. "I can't take it anymore." you said weakly. "I'm exhausted from having to put up with the current monarch, who, might I add, is a moron, and I'm so tired of having to deal with the messes he leaves behind. I just want to rest for once, is that too much to ask?" you mumbled, leaning against him. "I don't want to be left behind again like this, please." you whimpered, leaning on Gloxinia's shoulder as you closed your eyes and let his fingers card through your soft (H/C) hair. "I promise I won't leave you again until the day I die, ok?" he said, cupping your face in his hands before he leaned in and kissed your forehead. You had missed this far too much, and let him do as he pleased. Gloxinia gently pressed his lips against yours, before separating from you a little bit after. You melted into his touch, savoring the feeling of being so close to him. "I love you, (Y/N)." he breathed, causing you to smile softly up at him. "I love you too, Gloxinia." you whispered, resting in his arms as he watched over you while you slept, making sure you were safe.

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