Yandere Archangels x reader

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Hey guys, this was a request from @JamaicaDane2. I thought the picture was cute and I just had to use it. Hope you all enjoy!

You had had enough of this. Sure, all four of them were great people, but having all four Archangels coming after you to try and court you was a bit much. You had literally no idea what to do about it either. You were a human, and a very shy one at that, yet you somehow attracted the attention of four of the most powerful individuals of your race, which was very flattering, but you didn't like it when they fought over you all the time. Out of all of them, Mael was the most understanding of you, and you had caught feelings for him out of all four of them. Luckily, he and his brother, Ludociel, didn't fight over you with each other, and had agreed that whoever got you would be the one deserving of you. However, it didn't stop the two from arguing with Sariel and Tarmiel over you. All four of them tried to show off constantly around you, often leading to a lot of chaos if left unchecked. What was a peaceful day of swimming could turn into a tsunami if Tarmiel was provoked to try to participate in a cannonball contest with Ludociel, Mael, and Sariel. If it was a race, whether flying or running, then Ludociel always won. If it was an arm wrestling contest, then Mael would win even at the break of dawn against Tarmiel and Sariel, and would nearly crush Ludociel's arm at noon if he wanted to win. When it came to things like who could make the biggest gust of wind with their wings, Sariel always used Tornado and cheated to win. Finally, you proposed that instead of making the celestial islands crumble from the force of their graces, you proposed that everyone have some tea to calm down. You had Mael in mind when you said that, knowing that he made the best tea, getting it from the Fairy King's Forest on the surface after asking Gloxinia if he could have some. The fairy king knew that he had had a crush on you for a while, and he was glad that the platinum haired male knew how to get to your heart without using his strength or looks. Mael had known you the longest, which meant that he also knew what you liked and who you liked to spend time with so he could ask those people if he was looking for you. However, when the other three met you, they were attached to you like the feathers were to their wings. Now, if you were around any of your closest friends, you had to do so in secret so that they wouldn't go 'missing' or rather, they wouldn't get killed by the ladder three. Mael and surprisingly also Ludociel both knew to give you space when you needed it, but not Sariel or Tarmiel. The Tornado and Ocean Graces were almost always around you, which was a thorn in your side, but you put up with it.

You sighed in relief when you heard from Ludociel that Sariel and Tarmiel were both out on missions that would take upwards of a week to complete, and smiled softly at the thought of spending a lot more time with Mael. Ludociel tapped you on the shoulder and then asked if you would be willing to join him for tea at the cafe near the Archangels' mansion, where you had been living ever since Mael had invited you to stay there. You gladly obliged, and walked with the ravenette to the small cafe before greeting the barista and asking for (F/T) tea, with Ludociel asking for jasmine tea. You both sat down at the table as Ludociel talked about his day before asking about yours. "Oh, well, I'm relieved that Sariel and Tarmiel are out of my hair for a week. They've been pretty clingy ever since I moved into the mansion, and I'm starting to think they might be obsessing over me slightly." you said, having to maintain that innocent approach so as not to alert him to you knowing anything about his interest in you. He sighed before taking your hands into his, smiling softly as he spoke. "If you ever need to tell me anything, then please don't hesitate, (Y/N). I know that things can and have been getting tough for you with you getting settled in at the mansion, but I want you to know that I am all ears when it comes to people's problems. I want to help you so that you're able to focus properly in training and anything else you like to do as well." he said, causing you to smile and nod. After the two of you left, you went back to the mansion and went to the library, deciding to read a romance novel you had been meaning to read, but had forgotten to until now. At some point, Mael found you on the library's comfortable couch, smiling as you read the book. The male sat on the other side of the couch, not wanting to invade your personal space when you were reading. You noticed his presence and reluctantly looked up from the book, looking around and sighing when your gaze landed on the platinum haired male. You smiled softly over at him, causing him to look over and see you motioning for him to sit next to you. Once he had gotten comfortable in his place next to you, you leaned against his shoulder as you read, smiling as red dusted your cheeks from how close you were to him. You wished this would never end, but things like this have to end at some point. Ludociel slammed the library doors open and saw you on the couch before walking over to you and Mael and telling you that Sariel and Tarmiel were somehow back six days early. You groaned internally before nodding and then telling the two Archangels that you were going upstairs to your room. Another thing about Tarmiel and Sariel was that they always overwhelmed you with hugs whenever they got back, so you tried to avoid that by going to your room mere minutes before they got back. You had barely gotten through your room door when you heard the front door open to reveal Sariel and Tarmiel, who started to look for you. However, you were already getting in the shower, and not a moment too soon. When they both heard the water running upstairs, they sighed in defeat, with Sariel going to his room and Tarmiel going to his own room as well. After you got out of the shower, you went downstairs and started making dinner while Mael and Ludociel watched. They both agreed that you had to choose one of them to be with, lest you wanted to have four Archangels who would be constant reminders that you were not alone. You had already chosen, and it seemed like you had chosen long ago who out of the four you would be with. After dinner was finished, you went upstairs and went to sleep, wanting to rest before tomorrow after hearing the conversation between Ludociel and Mael.

The next day, you got up late in the morning and went on a walk through town, window shopping in the square and seeing a dress you liked. You went in and bought it before going to the changing area and putting it on. It was (F/C) with long sleeves and a skirt that went down to your calves. After you got back, you were grabbed by the wrist and dragged out into the courtyard of the mansion by Sariel, who told you that he knew you would choose rightfully who to be with. After being told the situation by the four, who all had very red faces, you laughed, causing them to stare with wide eyes. "Oh my goodness. You all thought that I didn't know? Tarmiel and Sariel were too clingy, and Ludociel was kissing up to me." the three Archangels went redder in the face. "Don't think you were too slick, I could tell. The only one who kept his facade up the best was Mael because he just acted normally around me. All three of you are the worst liars ever though. Besides, I decided a long time ago if I ever were to be in this situation who I would choose. It was always going to be Mael, no matter what the three of you did." you said, causing the Sun Grace to smile as his face turned a light shade of pink. Tarmiel and Sariel went away grumbling about how stupid the 'competition' for you was, while Ludociel smiled and shook hands with his brother. "As I said, may the best win her favor, and you certainly did." he said, patting his brother's shoulder before speaking. "Don't think that this changes anything between us. You're still my brother and I still think of you as family." he said, waving before walking back to the mansion. Mael looked at you, who was red faced from your confession. The male wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close, resting his head on top of yours as he spoke. "I'm so glad that it was me that you chose to be with." he whispered, causing you to smile as you buried your face in his chest. "Now then, how about we walk for a while around town together, I was walking much earlier this morning and I saw a really pretty butterfly garden we could go to." he proposed, causing you to smile and take his hand into yours. "I would like that." you said, and with that, you both walked off to town, hand in hand for the rest of the day.

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