Flirty! Arthur Pendragon x reader

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Hey guys, since I have some motivation today, I thought I would post something. This was a request from @JamaicaDane2. Hope you enjoy!

Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose as his orchid eyes followed you while you walked. You were quite short compared to him, but perhaps that was what led him to feel as though you were something that was more vulnerable than others. Oh boy was he more wrong than ever. Your magical power was the ability to control water, which was strong enough to help you get into Camelot's Holy Knight corps rather quickly. You were the daughter of a duke, and therefore considered nobility, but you never used that to get what you wanted. If anything, you told the maids of the castle to treat you as if you were any other knight working for the king, which piqued the young King's interest when he overheard one of the maids talking about you.

"She's so young, but she knows how respect should be earned instead of just freely given because of her title. Truthfully, Duchess (Y/N) is exactly like her mother." one of the old maids, Ingrid, said whilst crying into a handkerchief that she carried. The ginger haired male immediately abandoned the task he had to find and meet you, for he had to know who you were. Arthur ran as fast as he could to the one person he trusted to help him with this task without it seeming suspicious: Merlin.

"Ok, what is it this time, Arthur?" the Boar Sin asked a few seconds after he entered the room. After he explained why he was there, the ravenette smiled. "I've met her. She's the youngest daughter of Duke (L/N) and her status is that of a platinum rank Holy Knight." she then turned to face him. "Let me guess, you want to meet her, don't you?" she inquired. He nodded fervently, before a smile adorned his face as she got some parchment, wrote an invitation on it, and then asked another maid, Beatrice, to deliver it to your chambers in the barracks. She hurried off after bowing to the two, leaving the ginger alone once again with the mage. "So, what are you working on?" he asked, earning a slight chuckle from Merlin before she showed him a spell bead for instant healing. "I'm trying to amplify it to where it also regenerates stamina and mana for fighting, but it's a bit tricky, so it might take me a while before I can complete it. I assume you're looking for an entourage for when we go to Liones to help the king?" she asked, her golden yellow eyes flicking over to him. He nodded softly, watching as she worked. "The dinner is at seven o'clock, I advise you get ready, because it starts in an hour." she advised him. With a nod and a hasty goodbye, Arthur rushed back to his quarters to get ready.

When you got back to the barracks with (F/N), you saw the invite, but your friend took it from you and held it over your head. Curse you height. You thought. "Well then, it looks like you're going to meet the king in the royal gardens for dinner, anything happening between the two of you?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows at you. You scoffed. "I've never even met the guy, but it's definitely not a prank. His mage even signed it." you commented. "Wait, really?" She took the paper back. "You know, you could just ask to see my things, right, (F/N)?" you asked, only receiving a squeal from her in response. "I'm so excited for you. Have fun, oh, and you might want to get ready soon, since you have thirty minutes to get there." she said, pointing to the clock on the wall. You quickly got on a dress and heels, brushing your hair and letting (F/N) braid it before you left to get to the castle gardens.

Arthur was about to ask for the time for the umpteenth time that hour when you walked up. You curtsied politely and then sat down, hoping you weren't too tardy. Arthur gazed at you and saw that you were trying to make a good first impression on him, and so far it certainly was working. "Your Majesty, I apologize if I am late." you said, but he waved the apology away, extending his hand for you to shake. "Just Arthur is fine, really. I wanted to meet you in person since the castle staff seems to love having you around." he said, smiling. You nodded. "I also wanted to ask you a favor if you don't mind." he said. Your gaze met his as he spoke. "There is a certain 'situation' in Liones that requires my attention, and Merlin told me that I should have someone accompanying me there. I was wondering if you would perhaps like to join us on our journey." he inquired, causing you to think over it in your head before nodding. "It would be an honor, sir- I mean, Arthur." you stumbled over your words. He laughed slightly. "It's fine, you'll get used to it soon enough. The journey will take three days, and we leave in two days, but the weather should be nice, so don't pack very heavy for it I guess. Make sure to bring your armor and a sword though those are a given." he advised, taking your hand into his before he gently kissed it. Your face turned slightly red, but you smiled nevertheless, and nodded before watching as he left. You then left to get packed for the trip.


You followed Arthur along the winding path to Liones' North gates on horseback. You had known him for a few days, and his company was quite pleasant. He always spoke of his other adventures, and of his childhood when you had asked him in conversation. It felt so... natural... to talk like this with him. He poured his heart out to you, and he found himself catching feelings for you. He had fallen hard, and before both of you knew it, you both found yourselves at Liones' North gates. Arthur turned to you before he took your hands into his. "Perhaps we can go on a date after this, as maybe more than just friends, (Y/N)." he said, causing you to smile. "Ah, so an outing as best friends?" you asked, causing him to deadpan slightly. "Um, That's not what I-" he was interrupted by the gates opening to reveal Hendrickson and two other knights, causing Arthur to panic and let go of your hands before they could see him. You both sat straight up on your horses as he spoke. Meanwhile, you thought over what he said. More than friends, wouldn't that be-. You didn't get to ponder anything long, as the knights told you to dismount your horses. You walked beside him with your helmet in your hand, your dominant hand gripping your sword hilt tightly in case he was planning an attack. You were right, as Hendrickson attacked Arthur and sent him flying into a wall. You were attacked next, stabbed in the stomach by one of the Holy Knights, causing you to double over in pain and cough up some blood. The wound was gushing, and at this rate, you would pass out quickly from blood loss. However, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist as a pair of lips pressed against yours. Your now very blurry vision barely registered that it was Arthur who had kissed you. You relaxed in his arms, trusting him to make sure you were ok as you blacked out.

You woke up slowly, squinting against the bright light of the sun streaming through the windows of the room you were in. You slowly sat up and winced when you saw that your midsection was bandaged, barely able to move into a comfortable sitting position. A pair of arms helped you, and you turned to see Arthur, his hair slightly disheveled as he focused on making sure you were alright. His eyes were red and puffy, and he looked exhausted. His face turned bright red when he saw you looking at him, before he hugged you tightly. Your face heated up from the memory of his lips against yours, as your cheeks became redder and redder. "I- Arthur, how long have I been out?" you asked, causing him to sigh. "It's been about a week." he said quietly, causing your eyes to widen. You tried to get up, only for him to keep you there. "Your body is still healing, please just rest." he begged, his orchid eyes meeting yours. You nodded before hugging him tightly. "Why didn't you tell me you liked me?" you asked. "I did, but you must have thought that I meant best friends instead of lovers when I asked you on that date." he said. You nodded softly before cupping his face in your hands and kissing him on the lips. "Then there's my answer." you said, causing his face to turn even redder as he buried his red face in your hair. He breathed in your scent and held you close for a while, before one of the maids told him that he was requested in the meeting room for a meeting. With one last quick kiss, he left you to rest and heal, hoping you would recover quickly.

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