The Archangels reacting to your future with them

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Hey guys, sorry I've been dead on this story lately. This was a long awaited request from @Gumdropraindeer. I've started another book featuring some OCs of mine, which revolves around what happened during and after the Holy War and a little bit before as well. There are a few chapters up right now, so please feel free to check it out while you're waiting for any new oneshots here. Anyways, hope you enjoy.


Ok, before anything else, I have to say this:

Sariel. Wants. Kids.

Literally constantly talks about it when the subject of the future comes up, specifically your future with him.

Lowkey wants you to be a stay at home mom but he'll never say it out loud again. We don't speak of the reaction he got out of you the first and only time he asked you to not fight in battle.

All in all, he very much looks forward to his future with you.


Tarmiel wouldn't mind a peaceful future with only you to be honest.

He lives for your happiness, so even if the two of you don't have kids, he's not getting mad at you about it or pressuring you to have any.

Whenever he thinks of the future, he always worries because he thinks you might leave him for someone else before that future can actually happen.

However, one of the main things he sees (and vividly dreams about) often is the two of you getting married in a large open field with all of his and your friends there to see it.


The first thing that comes to mind when Ludociel thinks of the future is the two of you living in a comfortable little house in the forest of the Celestial Islands.

He thinks of children as well, but he doesn't want a whole bunch of kids, maybe just one or two.

The prospect of him getting married to you is another thing that he thinks about, and he does love the image his head gives him of you in a white wedding dress, but he's too embarrassed to admit that.

He'd also take care of you if you two were to end up getting married, because he really does want to take care of and protect you.


Whenever he thinks of the future, he sees the two of you visiting Zeldris and Gelda in the underworld because he still has slight ties to him, regardless of what Zeldris says.

(I saw a headcanon on Tumblr that said that Zel would call Mael by the name Esta even after he turned back into himself and I couldn't help but agree with it)

He sees himself with like, at least three kids, so be prepared to have that many if you want to have them at all.

Mael also sees himself getting married to you at a church in Liones because he'd want everyone he knew to watch, including the Sins and Co.

Whenever he thinks about it, he'll get all blushy and he'll stutter and stumble over his words and sometimes even full sentences.

He just loves you so much and he wants to have a good future with you.



Whenever he thinks of the future, the first thing that comes to mind is you.

He specifically sees you with a round swollen tummy and children running around your legs as you make dinner for him and the children.

Nanashi always gets a little flustered when you ask him about it, but since he's so shy about it sometimes.

He also wants to live somewhere that you would like, whether that be Camelot or somewhere else.

All in all, he'd be happy as long as you're happy.

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