Gloxinia x Goddess reader

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Hey guys, this was a request from @the-queen-of-fairys. Hope you enjoy!

~3,000 years ago~

Gloxinia sighed deeply as he finally managed to come to an agreement on a treaty between the giants and fairies of Stigma, nodding to Drole as the two agreed to meet with Ludociel next week to discuss a treaty between them and the Goddesses. After he was sure that the coast was clear, he went to find you, a member of the Goddess Race. Drole had known about your relationship with Gloxinia for a while now, and he thought the two of you looked nice together. However, what neither of them knew was that you were Sariel's younger sister, which meant that you could sway the deals they had with them in their favor. You were permitted to sit in on the meetings, given that you were a high ranking Goddess like Sariel was. You were slightly weaker, but you didn't mind, and enjoyed your position as a Lance Corporal in the Celestial Realm. The only thing that bothered you was the fact that you had to meet with Gloxinia on the surface, which eventually made your older brother suspicious. However, he decided not to press you, knowing that you trusted him fully, and would tell him when you were ready. The meeting was tomorrow, and he was more than pleased to hear that you would be there.

You and Mael walked the winding path back to the Archangels' Mansion. "So, you're going to back him up?" he asked, causing you to nod. You had told Mael of your relationship with Gloxinia, and you were told that he would keep it a secret from the others, especially Sariel. He knew how your brother got whenever you had any guy friends in general, although the other Archangels were an exception. You let him open the door for you and walked in, seeing the other three at the dinner table before they all looked at the two of you. "Took you two lovebirds long enough." Sariel commented, smirking, as Mael tried desperately to counter his claim. "He wishes." was all you said, before a now red-faced Mael sat down next to you and Ludociel. "(Y/N) and I aren't in a relationship. Besides, she likes someone else." he said, before clamping a hand over his mouth as he looked down at you. "Start praying to Her Majesty, because I'm going to throttle you after dinner." you said dangerously, causing Tarmiel and Ludociel to chuckle as Sariel stared at you dumbfounded. "Who is it?" he asked, causing you to look to the side as your face turned redder. "You're the worst." you mumbled to the Sun Grace, causing him to hold his hands up in self defense. "Nobody." you said, trying to change the subject. "(Y/N), who is it?" he asked, causing you to shake your head vigorously as you got up to try to head to your room. You were a head taller than Sariel, which didn't really help him very much, especially when he had to look up to yell at you. "Who. Is. It?" he demanded, but you shoved him to the ground and ran upstairs to your room, shutting the balcony door and the room door before locking both. You then slumped down against the door and thought to yourself before finally deciding to go to sleep to get the energy you needed for tomorrow's meeting.

The next day, you woke up early and decided to wear the (F/C) dress that Gloxinia had gotten for you. You then went downstairs and saw Mael's white face as he looked at you. "I'm sorry." He mouthed, causing you to glare at him. "Shall we go then?" Ludociel asked, causing all of you to nod as you walked through the Celestial Gate to Stigma's headquarters. You saw a few familiar faces like Gherade and Elizabeth, as well as Drole, but you didn't see Gloxinia. You followed Ludociel to a more remote part of the Fairy King's Forest, before the trees opened up to a flower covered clearing with a lily pond filled with lotus flowers. Your eyes widened as you took in the beautiful sight, before Gloxinia spoke. "Ah, welcome, Archangels, and I see you have a guest as well." He said, his eyes locking with yours. "Of course. This is (Y/N), she's one of the Lance Corporals that we will be keeping down here at base." Ludociel explained. Gloxinia floated down and took your hand into his, kissing it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady (Y/N). I look forward to working alongside you and... was it Nerobasta or Jelamet that was going to stay down here?" He asked, as Sariel silently fumed behind Tarmiel. Gloxinia knew your brother was watching as he gently let go of your hand and spoke. "I would like it if you could send some of your soldiers for extra fighting power on our side, Ludociel. Is that possible?" He asked, looking up at the raven haired Goddess. He nodded slowly after a few minutes before he spoke. "There is still fighting in the Celestial Realm against the Demon Race, but I will see what warriors I can spare from Mael's group." He explained, causing Gloxinia to nod. "Alright Drole, you heard him." He called, as the trees parted to reveal the Giant King. He nodded before he spoke. "We both look forward to working alongside you and the rest of the Goddess Race." He said, before Gloxinia shook Ludociel's hand and then waved goodbye, winking at you as your face turned slightly red.

Later that night, Sariel tossed and turned in his bed. Why was that fairy so... flirtatious toward you? Why did he seem to know you, too? None of it made any sense to him.

Until it did.

He shot up in his bed as he realized who exactly you were in love with, and who you were in a relationship with. Sariel got up and walked to Mael's room before knocking on the door. A tired Sun Grace opened the door and yawned deeply. "What is it?" He asked sleepily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as Sariel spoke. "It's Gloxinia, isn't it?" He asked, confusing him. "What?" He asked. "Gloxinia is the one (Y/N) is in love with, isn't it?" He questioned, as Mael's face went salt white. "Maybe, but I wouldn't tell her I said anything if I were you, I rather like living on this earth." He said, before closing the door. He then rushed to your room and opened the door, only to see that you weren't there in your bed. Sariel flew to the Celestial Gate before running through it and looking for you.

When he found you, you were at the flower covered garden that he'd been at with you and the other Archangels earlier, Gloxinia seated behind you as he carefully braided your hair. "Ok, so, do you want (F/C) flowers, or do you want me to pick a color?" He asked, causing you to look back at him. "(F/C) flowers please." You said. Sariel noticed that your voice was softer, quieter, and he made sure to be careful as he watched the conversation between you and your boyfriend. "So, we get to spend more time together, are you excited to see the surface like this?" Gloxinia asked, weaving (F/C) flowers into your hair. You sighed before nodding. "It's just that I wish that Sariel weren't so overbearing like he usually is. It can be a bit much sometimes." You said. "So he's overprotective?" He asked, as Sariel's eyes widened. "Well, he cares about you, that's all. I'm like that with Gherade whenever she tries to go off on her own. But she's my sister, so of course I'm going to want to protect her. You just have to see it from his angle, that's all." He said, as he finished weaving the flowers into your hair. "Ok, now look." He said, as you pulled the braid over your shoulder to admire the flowers in it. "They look so pretty." You whispered, before leaning back against his chest. Gloxinia's face turned red as he snaked his arms around your waist. "I'm glad you like them." He replied. You looked up as his honey gold eyes met your (E/C) eyes. "You look much prettier than the flowers." Gloxinia commented, as your face flushed. You turned around to face him as he pulled you into his lap, before he tilted your chin up to where you were at his eye level, your faces mere inches apart. You leaned in and kissed him, your eyes slipping closed as you did so. He froze for a second before he kissed you back, pulling away to admire the blush that crept up to your ears. "You should get back home, your brother might be worried." He advised, only for Sariel to step out into the clearing. "Oh don't worry, Fairy King, I was worried." He said, scowling at the crimson haired Fairy King as your face turned the color of Gloxinia's hair. You hid your face in his neck as Sariel spoke. "You could have told me, you know. I would have accepted this, but you didn't." He scolded, before Gloxinia spoke. "Do you not think that I would have protected her? Or do you think I have my title for nothing, Tornado Grace?" He questioned, causing Sariel to sigh. "That's not it, I just want to make sure she's safe, that's all. I'm fine with your relationship, as long as she stays safe." He explained, pinching the bridge of his nose. Gloxinia undid the braid your hair was in and gently took out the flowers, before he pressed a kiss to your cheek and then spoke. "You should get home, it's getting late and Goddesses still need sleep." He said, before you nodded and crawled off of his lap, following Sariel as you smiled and waved goodbye to Gloxinia. Once you were back at the Archangels' Mansion, Sariel turned to you. "So, do we need to have a talk about you making out with him, or?" He asked cheekily. "Sariel!" You yelled, causing him to laugh. He then put a hand on your shoulder. "I'm happy for you, but if he hurts you, then tell me." He said, causing you to nod before going back upstairs to your room. "I'm going to bed now, goodnight!" You said hastily, before running upstairs to your room and falling down on the bed, face still red from earlier. You then got into your nightgown and got back in bed, calming down enough to fall asleep.

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