Sariel Headcanons

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This is a little gift for @Robins_Child. Hope you enjoy!

Sariel's favorite colors are blue and white, he can't decide which is better but this is because both remind him of the sky and the clouds.

I headcanon that Sariel would love to have a pet cat, because of how chill they are, but he can't because of the Holy War.

(Tarmiel got him a cat probably at some point and it lives in the mansion)

His favorite scent is Petrichor, or the earthy smell that's in the air when a storm is approaching.

He has a soft spot for children, but he would never admit it to the other three Archangels even if his life depended on it.

He loves stargazing, but he only does it to clear his head and he might let Tarmiel join him every once in a while to talk and rant to him.

I headcanon that he also has secretly kept many sketchbooks that have every person he's ever met in training or in general so that he remembers them if they die.

His favorite food would have to be Ludociel's lasagne, which for some reason is the best thing he's ever eaten. (He's still trying to get his hands on the recipe that Ludociel uses for it)

His favorite alcohol is Vanya Ale after he drank some during his time in Liones.

Sariel's favorite normal drink is probably apple cider.

Finally, he loves massages behind his neck the most, since he gets stiff there a lot from concentrating on one point for a majority of the fights he gets into with demons.

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