Dreyfus x reader fluff

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Ok so I've been dead for a while, and thought I would write something that wasn't a request to see if that would give me some motivation so I can actually get over my writer's block (and totally not because this idea bugged my mind relentlessly after I wrote the oneshot for Zaratras). Anyways, hope you enjoy!

"I'm surprised you found out he had a girlfriend in the first place, Griamore."

That's how Gilthunder responded to his cousin after hearing the news. Griamore had heard from Zaratras that his father, Dreyfus, had found a woman that he loved as much as he had loved Anna, Griamore's mother. He was slightly worried about meeting her, but after training that day, he asked his father as he was being carried home.

"Hey, father, do you have a girlfriend? Uncle Zaratras said you did." He asked.

In an instant, Dreyfus had his attention on Griamore when the subject changed from training to him having a lover. The brunette sighed before saying yes, looking back at his son. "I had hoped that your uncle wouldn't have told you yet. I was going to wait a little longer to introduce you to her." he said, causing the young boy to nod. He thought his father was going to be angry about him finding out, but quite the opposite happened. When Griamore looked up at his father, he saw a smile on his face. "Hold on, so you're not mad at Uncle Zaratras for telling me?" he asked, causing Dreyfus to sigh again as he dragged a hand down his face. The thought of you meeting his son wasn't the worst idea, but it wasn't the best either, not when his son didn't even know your name. However, seeing that small smile made things ever so slightly easier for him. "Ok, how about this, I could ask her to pick you up from training and she could come over for dinner. What do you think about that?" he asked, causing him to smile and nod softly as he was set down on the ground outside the house. Dreyfus nodded before he opened the door and went inside to get dinner started for the two of them.

The next day, you were asked by Dreyfus to pick Griamore up from training. You were slightly taken aback, having never met your lover's son, but you agreed nevertheless. After you finished your shift at the Black Cat, you changed out of your uniform and into your casual clothes. You wore a (F/C) blouse and an ankle length skirt. You wore a pair of brown flats as well to complete the look. After you were ready, you dropped your stuff off at your house and headed to Liones Castle.

When you got to the castle, you said hello to the guards and then walked in, looking for Griamore and his friends. Luckily, Zaratras helped you find them, and left you to do as you wished when you found the boys training. Griamore was sitting by himself on the wall and clutching his cheek as tears streamed down his cheeks. He had a small scratch on his cheek, which was slightly bleeding. You luckily carried some healing salve (a courtesy of Zaratras from Istar) with you wherever you went in case things like this happened. You walked into the training arena and over to Griamore and got out the small container of salve. You then knelt beside him and smiled softly before speaking. "Hey, could you please take your hand off of your cheek so I can put this salve on it?" You asked, showing him the light mint green salve jar. He nodded and put his hand at his side before you spoke again. "Let's go clean it first, ok?" You coaxed, causing him to nod before telling his friends he had to leave. As the two of you walked, you talked as well. "So, you're Griamore, right?" You asked, wetting a washcloth under the faucet in the kitchen. He smiled and said yes as you pressed the damp washcloth to his face, before you patted down his cheeks as well with a different part of the cloth to cool off his tear stained cheeks, which were red and puffy from him crying earlier. You then put the salve on the cut, smiling at your finished work before you took his hand and then spoke. "Griamore, I was asked by Dreyfus to take you home, but do you want to train for a little longer first? I really don't mind waiting." You explained, causing him to shake his head no before you led him home. On the way there, you noticed that he wasn't talking as much as Dreyfus said he did, which worried you a lot. You picked up the young boy and carried him, making sure he was comfortable as you walked.

Once you made it to Dreyfus' house, you set Griamore down and knocked on the door, smiling when Dreyfus opened it. The brunette pulled you into a hug as he smiled, his strong arms wrapping around your waist. Griamore, meanwhile, walked inside and got a book from the bookshelf that he had been reading with Dreyfus, sitting on the couch and starting to read. You gazed over fondly at the young boy as you walked into the comfortable looking house. You looked at the framed picture of Dreyfus with Anna and Griamore, sighing as a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. You saw that Griamore was looking at you and walked over to him, sitting beside him and watching as his green eyes met yours. "So, I was wondering what you thought of me being in a relationship with your father. I don't want you to think I'm taking him away from you or intruding." You explained, causing him to mark his page in the book he was reading before putting it on the nightstand and then looking over at you. He sighed before hugging you tightly, burying his face in your shoulder. "Father's been worrying about me ever since mother passed away, and he hasn't been thinking of himself lately, so I'm not mad that you're with him. Please just don't leave him." He begged, luckily out of earshot of Dreyfus. You hugged Griamore before smiling softly, nodding and agreeing to his wishes. After all, you did truly care a lot about Dreyfus' and Griamore's wellbeing, and wouldn't trade being with Dreyfus for the world. You let go of the young boy and then spoke, your voice reassuring and gentle. "Griamore, I'm not going to leave your father, I love him far too much to even think of doing so, but you have to realize that Dreyfus is going to worry about you regardless if I'm with him or not, ok?" you asked, making sure he was listening. The young boy nodded softly and smiled, separating from you before he told you he was going upstairs to get washed up for the evening. You told him to call you if he needed any help, receiving an 'ok' from the young boy as he quickly made his way up the stairs. You looked at your watch and saw that Dreyfus would be getting home in a little over an hour. You smiled as you got up off of the couch and put on the apron that Dreyfus normally wore when he cooked, and rolled up your sleeves before getting to work on cooking dinner.

About an hour later, you heard the front door open as you were putting the chicken pot-pie on the counter, having spent an entire hour on the dish. You smiled at the sight of Dreyfus setting down his stuff, before being tackle hugged by Griamore as the young boy welcomed his father home. You took off your oven mitts and walked over to the two of them, smiling softly as you wiped the sweat off of your forehead. Dreyfus looked at you and barely held back his laughter when he saw you in his apron. "What's so funny?" you asked, causing him to speak, albeit barely, through his laughter. "You look like you're wearing a blanket instead of an apron, (Y/N)." he said, causing you to sigh before untying the apron and lightly whacking him on the top of his head with it. You then gestured to the table with a smile, causing the two to take notice of the steadily cooling pot pie. The three of you had a piece each, savoring the flavor of your cooking as Dreyfus and Griamore hummed in delight. After the three of you had eaten your fill, you cleaned and put up the dishes, washing your hands afterwards before drying them. Griamore had gone upstairs by now, and was up in his room, but Dreyfus watched as you cleaned the kitchen, having offered but been denied helping you. After he saw that you were done, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him before he buried his face in your hair, breathing in your scent of roses and books. "I should get back home, I'm sure that yo-" he interrupted you by gently pressing his lips against yours, causing your face to turn red before you kissed him back. When he pulled away, he shook his head. "It's far too late for you to leave. Besides, you cooked dinner, the least I can do is allow you to stay here for the night." he said, causing you to sigh before nodding softly. He gave you one of Anna's old gowns, telling you that you could just wash it and give it back when you got the next chance to. Afterwards, the two of you went to his room and got into the bed. You were about to stay on your respective side of the bed, but Dreyfus pulled you close to him, resting his head on top of yours as he held you close to his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. It wasn't long before you heard his breathing slow down, telling you that he was asleep. You smiled softly before closing your eyes as well, slowly drifting off to sleep in his arms.

Seven Deadly Sins Oneshots Part 2 (Requests Closed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ