Mael Headcanons

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Hey guys, thought that I would do some headcanons today since I'm very low on motivation and very burnt out. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Mael's favorite flowers are sunflowers because he finds it very adorable and very endearing that they face each other when the sun isn't out.

His favorite scent is most definitely the smell of honey. It's very light and he loves it very much.

Our boy here prefers vanilla over chocolate because vanilla has a lighter and more airy sweetness than chocolate.

His favorite pastime is reading, but he rarely gets the chance due to his job as an Archangel.

If he had to choose a sweet, it would probably be either macaroons or vanilla cupcakes.

His favorite thing to do with Ludociel is talking about one another's days while they both take a walk or fly for a while. It calms him down and he knows it helps his brother to calm down and let things go as well.

His favorite season is Winter because everything is so peaceful and because he loves the snow.

(Personal headcanon that one time when Mael was about twelve, Ludociel caught him asleep outside with a blanket wrapped around him as he sat in a chair in the snow. Mael doesn't like to talk about it because it embarrasses him)

Mael's favorite color is indicolite because so few people have seen it and because it's so pretty.

His favorite time of day isn't actually noon, but dusk, because he loves to watch the sunset.

Sunshine baby also loves to draw, and can draw anatomy really well. This makes Ludociel jealous because hands and eyes are his weak points when it comes to drawing people.

The thing Mael draws most often is actually landscapes, but he adds people so that he doesn't forget how to properly draw their anatomy.

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