Yandere Estarossa x male reader

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Hey guys, this was a request from @_his_seraph_. The funny thing is that I literally got Estarossa in Grand Cross yesterday since I'm posting at midnight once again 😅. Sorry it's so short but hope you enjoy!

Estarossa seethed with rage towards the woman he saw flirting with you at the bar. He quickly walked out after her and pulled a knife on her, pressing her against the wall as he spoke. The cool metal dug slightly into her neck as he spoke. "If you ever flirt with (Y/N) like that again, then I can promise you that I'll kill you before you get the chance to see him again after that. (Y/N) is mine, not yours, got it?" he threatened, letting the woman go and watching her run off. You, unbeknownst to him, had seen and heard him speak, and sighed heavily once you got back to the bar. Unfortunately, Estarossa had made it back before you, and stared at you in confusion when he saw you walking up. "Bathroom." you explained, smiling softly at him. You had always had a sort of crush on the Commandment of Love, but you never told him, for fear that he might either call you a creep, or that he might reject you, which was something you didn't want to face. However, you now knew that he actually wanted a relationship, which was wonderful to you, but you knew you would have to confront him about his yandere tendencies sooner or later, preferably sooner. You weren't the strongest person ever, and you knew for a fact that, if he so wished to, Estarossa could crush you like a bug. You looked over at the platinum haired male, causing him to become acutely aware of your gaze upon him. "You're staring, what is it?" he asked, his gaze locking with yours. You shook your head. "Not in here, it's far too crowded, and there are too many people who would hear me." you said. The Commandment of Love smiled, and asked for the tab before he paid and asked you to walk with him. You both left and took the long way back to the Demon King's Castle. On the way there, you both stopped in a field of wildflowers. By this time, you had already sat down under a large tree with blue blossoms budding all over it, looking up and smiling as you gazed at it. "Alright, (Y/N), enough beating around the bush, why are we here?" he asked, causing you to look to the side as you spoke. "Estarossa, I saw you press that blade to that woman's throat, what was that for?" you asked, causing him to frown. "She was flirting with you, and I didn't like that, so I told her to stop doing it and she did." he said, causing you to speak once again. "If that's so, then why did you call me yours, huh?" you asked, causing his ink black eyes to widen as you glared at him slightly. "Didn't think I was close enough to hear you as you threatened her, Esta?" you said, a scowl directed at him as he sighed. "Because you're mine only. I won't let some stupid airheaded woman try to take what's mine, when we both know that you weren't interested in her anyway." he said, tilting your chin up to where you were looking up at him. "Such a shame, really, that you didn't think I knew of that little crush you had on me. I could tell every time you would look at me, and every time you talked to me, how you would stumble over your words and get nervous. I knew the whole time, (Y/N)." he said, tilting your chin up to face him. "I want you to know that I feel the same way as you do, but I didn't know how to go about telling you, so I kind of decided to wait until you either went off with someone else, or you asked me to be with you." the male said, his face turning slightly red as he told you his feelings. "Just so we're clear, I want you to stop hurting others who are close to me or who talk to me. Just because that woman was flirting with me, doesn't give you the incentive to get angry at her, or the motive to almost kill her. Please, please promise me you won't do that again, ok?" you asked, looking up at him. He finally gave in, nodding softly before he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him, tilting your chin up once again before capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. You melted into his touch, your eyes slipping closed before he pulled away. Your face was completely red as you looked to the side before the Commandment of Love wrapped you up in his arms and laid down on his back, holding you in his gentle embrace as the two of you gazed at the starry night sky above.

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