Tarmiel Headcanons

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I'm surprised that I'm posting two chapters in one day, even if they are headcanons. Anyways, enjoy!

Because he has three heads, Tarmiel usually has his clothing either tailored or custom made, which led to Ludociel eventually hiring a seamstress to adjust and make his clothing.

He usually hangs out around Sariel because the Tornado Grace was the first person who he met that wasn't afraid of him.

Our boy here is a chocolate fan, and he loves hazelnut based chocolate the most because of how creamy it is.

His favorite food is actually cloud bread because it's sweet and airy... and because Tarmiel has a sweet tooth.

His favorite flower is the Jade Vine flower because it is one of the few flowers that produces blue, let alone vibrant blue, naturally. It also reminds him that he is unique, like it is.

Tarmiel's favorite season is Fall because he loves how the leaves change to beautiful reds and yellows with a little orange mixed in.

His favorite holiday is definitely Christmas because he loves to celebrate it with the other three Archangels and the Divine Lance Corporals as well.

His room is across from Sariel's, and has an engraving of a tsunami on the door, which is blue dyed wood with the borders and outline of the details coated in gold lining.

Though he can't draw very well, Tarmiel does love to paint using oil paint and also acrylic paint, and has been joined by Sariel on a few occasions, though neither of them will admit it.

The gold chain around his neck was given to him shortly after he gave Sariel a pet cat.

Tarmiel loves the color green. This is because it represents new beginnings and life as well.

His favorite pastime other than painting is making flower crowns.

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