Chaos Arthur x reader fluffy angst

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Hey guys, this was a request from @Jamacia-chan. Hope you enjoy!

~Twenty-six years ago~

"I just want you to get to know her better, since me and her father are close friends. Can you and Kay do that for me?" Ector asked.

Arthur looked at you from behind his father's leg, looking at you. Your father chuckled when Arthur nodded after a minute, and gently pushed you over the threshold of the door to his house. You looked back at him as he waved to you, before running to your father and hugging him tightly. "Please take me with you. I promise to be good." You tried, but he shook his head. "(Y/N), you need to stay with Ector and his sons while I go to Liones to help with negotiations on a treaty. Besides, it'll take no less than a week." He then looked at Ector. "Take care of my girl, she's the only thing I've got left of her mother." He said, causing him to nod as he put a hand on your shoulder as your father walked away to his horse and rode off with his things.

You turned back to look at Ector and his sons. Kay scoffed at you before walking away to go to his room, as Arthur smiled and waved at you. Ector looked down at you as you clung to his leg, a sigh escaping his lips. "Arthur, could you please show (Y/N) around the house and the stables? I want her to feel welcome here." He asked, causing Arthur to nod and then hold a hand out to you. "Come on, we can go upstairs and I can show you my room. It's really cool!" He said excitedly. You took his hand and he dragged you around, pointing to different things and telling you what they were. All the while, he also asked you questions, too. "So, how old are you? I'm ten. What's your favorite color? Mine's blue. Do you like horses? I do. They're so cool!" He exclaimed. The ten year old's enthusiasm was dizzying. Meanwhile, Kay was a lot different. He was much calmer, but still a trickster, and he didn't particularly like to spend time with Arthur. He was twelve, and quite a lot taller than you. "I'm also ten. My favorite color is (F/C). And horses are pretty, I guess. My father also manages a barn full of them, and I sometimes get to ride them with him." You said, causing him to look at you with a shocked expression. "You get to ride horses with your father?" He asked, causing you to nod softly. "Hey, do you wanna be friends?" He asked, surprising you slightly. You nodded after a few seconds, causing him to cheer before he led you to the horse barn. "You'll like them, all of my father's horses are very nice, since he trains them so much." He said, leading you out to see the horses.


Arthur walked the halls of Camelot castle with you, smiling as you held his arm and leaned against him. Ever since your father had asked that he marry you, he hadn't looked back, and here he was now, with you at his side. You looked up at Arthur and saw that he was thinking about something, and decided to address it. "Arthur, is something bothering you?" You asked, causing him to tense up slightly. He recalled earlier in the day, when you were walking down one of the corridors of the castle, and he had checked on you using Chaos. It was during this time that the incident occurred.


You were walking down the corridor by yourself when a Holy Knight caught up to you and started walking with you. Only you and Arthur knew when he used Chaos to watch over you, and that was when a small white bird would fly down to you and land on your shoulder, watching whatever happened through its eyes. The Holy Knight walked beside you and spoke, a smirk on his face as he did so. "Hey there, lady, are you lost?" He asked, wrapping an arm around your waist as Arthur watched what happened through the bird's eyes. "I'm fine, thanks." You replied, stepping slightly away from him and then continuing down the hall to the throne room to see your husband. "Are you sure?" The knight asked, causing you to nod. "Mind if I walk with you?" He asked, putting his arm around your waist once again, as your patience started running thin. "Yes, I do mind. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get to the throne room, thanks." You said, trying to get away from him, but he grabbed your wrist and forced you still. "Allow me to tell you that I'm walking with you whether you like it or not, and we're going to my room, instead, to have a little fun." He said, before the bird swooped down and pecked at the man's head, causing him to let go of you, giving you time to run to the throne room. You quickly opened the door as the bird flew in behind you, the knight having run away from the bird after it attacked him. You were barely holding back tears as you ran into your husband's arms, hugging him tightly as you looked at him. You got into his lap and then hugged him tightly, tears rolling down your cheeks as Arthur held you close to him.

~Flashback End~

Arthur shook his head and wrapped his arm around your waist, causing you to flinch slightly. "It's nothing. Let's just get to bed now, alright?" He asked, causing you to nod as you both walked to the bedroom and got ready for bed. Arthur got in the bed beside you and laid down with you, waiting for you to fall asleep before he got back up and carefully tucked in the covers to make sure you were warm. He then got dressed again and made his way to the throne room, calling for Merlin. "Yes, my lord, what is it?" She asked, causing Arthur to smile as he used Chaos to replicate the image of the knight from earlier. "Do you know who this man is?" He asked, causing her to nod. "That is Sir Cadence. He's a silver ranked Holy Knight." She explained "Teleport him to me, I wish to have a nice heart to heart with him." He said, giving her a smile as she sighed deeply. "As you wish, my lord." She said, snapping her fingers and teleporting the two of them to the throne room. Arthur took a seat and nodded to Merlin, who snapped her fingers and made the knight appear. He looked around, confused, before his eyes landed on the king. "Sir Cadence, do you know why you're here in my throne room?" Arthur asked, as the knight bowed. "No, Your Majesty." He said, causing Arthur to laugh as his scleras turned midnight black, before he stared at him and gave the man a sickeningly sweet smile as he used Chaos to stab him through his arms and legs multiple times over. "Do you know who that woman was that you harassed earlier, Sir Cadence?" He asked, as the white bird flew down and perched on his finger. When the knight didn't answer, Arthur spoke. "That woman is the queen, also my wife. You tried to drag her with you and do things to her that I didn't particularly like, and now you must face the consequences of your heinous actions." He said, before reverting him back to normal. Arthur used Chaos again to create chains on the man's wrists, and then led the man to the dungeons. He got behind the knight and kicked him into the cell, scowling at him. "After this cell is done torturing you for two hours, we'll see if you think about grabbing my wife like that again." He said, walking out as the man screamed at the top of his lungs.

Arthur went back to his room and got back into his pajamas, before he got in the bed next to you again, and pulled you close to him. Your eyelids fluttered open as you looked up at Arthur, before you snuggled up closer to his warmth and closed your eyes again. Arthur leaned in close to you and started gently running his fingers through your hair. "Arthur, why are you still awake? It's midnight." You mumbled tiredly. "Sorry, dearest, I had to take care of something that came up. I didn't mean to wake you up." He replied, causing you to shake your head as you looked at him. "It's alright, just go back to sleep." You mumbled back. Arthur nodded, and held you close to his chest as you drifted off to sleep. Just before you nodded off completely, Arthur spoke. "I promise, my love, I'll never let anyone do something like that to you again." He whispered, before closing his eyes and falling asleep beside you.

Seven Deadly Sins Oneshots Part 2 (Requests Closed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora