Zeldris x Hanahaki reader

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Hey guys, this was a request from @ABalancedErRoR376. Can't forget this though, so, *Hands tissues* Hope you guys enjoy!

You remembered the first petal you coughed up when you thought of him for too long. Rose petals were the ones you coughed up, but things slowly got worse. Petals became whole flowers, and flowers became thorny rose brambles stirring every time his name even crossed your mind. Zeldris was the one you had fallen for, unfortunately for you. You knew of his affections towards Gelda, but it hurt all the same. You had hoped desperately to be the one held in his arms the way she was. You had hoped that you would be the one he loved, but that didn't matter in the long run. You knew you would die if it spread too much, if it suffocated you like you knew it would. You had seen Hanahaki victims before, and the disease left permanent scars. At least, it did if it was treated. In most cases, one sided love ended with the two love interests confessing, and getting together, but that was not the case for you.

You had been dealing with the disease for a little over a month now, and things were rough. Then again, having constant, stabbing, agonizing pain wouldn't be what anyone really called a smooth experience. It was worse knowing you could do nothing to stop it. Sure, there were cures, but they were ancient, and not practiced as often as just telling the patient to confess before getting any treatment. You were in the library, reading a book on different methods of curing Hanahaki when you came across one that had to do with surgically getting the disease removed. You read on:

The side effects of doing so will result in the feelings for said person being removed as well.

Your face went white with fear. As much as you would love for the agony to be over, you could never give up on your feelings for him. Meanwhile, a certain ravenette talked with his vampire friend.

"So you're saying that I should just come out and tell her about my feelings?" Zeldris asked the blonde vampiress before him. "Why would she even think to say yes?" he asked, causing Gelda to sigh. "With all due respect, Zel, you realize that she's currently afflicted with Hanahaki, making-" she started. "making her a ticking timer, counting down until the disease kills her." he finished, his eyes widening as he thanked his friend and flew off, looking desperately for you.

You felt your airways close up as you thought of what Zeldris might be doing now, struggling and gasping for air as you tried to get help. You grabbed at anything you could, hoping to attract attention, but nothing worked.

"Where is (Y/N)?" Zeldris asked Cusack, causing the Napping Reaper to start talking before being silenced. "I asked you a question. Where is she?! I don't have the time to answer any questions!" he yelled, causing Cusack to point to the library, which the male flew into the doors of. They were locked by the librarian, who got up and ran to the door to unlock it, only for the door to be destroyed as Zeldris frantically searched for you, finding you almost passed out from lack of oxygen as you laid on the floor, a sad smile on your face as you looked up at him. Your vision was growing dim as you felt a pair of lips against yours, your eyes widening as the roots started to recede, your airways being opened up as you blacked out from lack of oxygen, causing Zeldris to panic, hot tears of anguish rolling down his cheeks as he held your limp form close to him. He was so close to losing you, finding you just before the brink of death, when he came to save you. Cusack told him that you were still alive, and that all seven of your hearts were still beating, but he was still worried, and picked you up before carrying you to his room.

Your eyelids fluttered open as you heard hushed voices outside of the door. One belonged to Cusack, but the other was a whisper, which you couldn't recognize due to it being too low and quiet for you to make out who was talking. You felt tired, and it hurt to move too much, your lungs feeling as though they were still being ripped apart, but you could tell that there were no thorns digging into your throat. You relaxed as you thought of what had happened. You were safe, you didn't have to worry about the disease killing you anymore, causing you to realize what had happened. Your face heated up at the memory of his soft lips against yours as he kissed you, causing you to hide your face in your hands. You looked over at the door as it opened, revealing Zeldris. Your eyes widened as you hid under the covers, only for the ravenette to lift them away from you. Your face was still red, causing him to tilt your chin up to face him as he felt your forehead. When he saw that you were alright, he took off his shoes and got comfortable beside you. "For your information, yes that was me, and no," your lighthearted smile faltered. "You are not getting rid of me." he announced, causing you to nod softly as you grabbed his shoulders and pulled him close to you. He had his face buried in your chest as you held him close to you, your face red from being so flustered. He looked up at you and smiled, albeit slightly, as he cupped your face in his hands. "How about a proper kiss this time?" he asked, causing your face to turn redder than it already was. Zeldris leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, with you relaxing and melting into his touch. After you separated from him, you rested your head on top of his and buried your face in his hair, breathing in the scent of pine and vanilla that he gave off. You relaxed after a while and closed your eyes, falling asleep, knowing he would be there with you when you woke up.

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