Diane Headcanons

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Hey guys, Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! In honor of Diane's birthday, I've decided to write some headcanons for her. Have a wonderful Christmas and hope you guys enjoy!

A lovely personal headcanon is that giants smell naturally of petrichor because it's a very earthy smell.

Diane's favorite sweet is probably chocolate because she has a sweet tooth.

In his free time, King teaches her alongside Ban to cook different dishes instead of just roasted pig.

Her favorite color is probably blue because it reminds her of the ocean and how big and deep it is.

Speaking of the ocean, that's her favorite vacation spot, where she can get in the water without crowding the others.

Her favorite season is the summer because she likes to wear the summer dresses that she gets when she's in her small form.

Her favorite flower is the Wisteria flower because of how different it is compared to most other flowers and how it grows.

Whenever she's with Matrona, the two of them sometimes will talk about how their lives are going while sparring.

If she had to pick one of the two deities to punch as hard as she could and they feel it, she'd pick the Demon King over the Supreme Deity any day.

Her favorite scent is the flowery scent that King gives off in his fairy form, as it calms her a lot.

Whenever she goes shopping with Elizabeth, you best bet that she's somehow dragging the other girls into it, including, but not limited to: Guila, Jericho, Margaret, Veronica, Gelda, and Elaine.

Finally, her favorite cuddle position is when she's spooning and is the big spoon.

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