Meliodas x daughter reader fluff

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Hey guys, this was a request from @paulinahikari. This took me over a week to write with school and stuff happening (and definitely not because my brain said turn a small and simple prompt into a whole over 5,000 word oneshot), but I can safely say that I am very pleased with how this turned out. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Tears rolled down your father's cheeks as he was handed a small bundle of blankets that contained your sleeping form. Your mother smiled sadly before speaking, running out of time to do so with her last heart slowly bleeding out. "Meliodas, please, take care of (Y/N). She isn't able to walk or talk yet, but I'm sure that she'll grow into a fine young lady if you take care of her. I love you so much, and I want you to find someone special when I'm gone, alright?" she looked up at him and grabbed his collar weakly, catching his attention. The blonde looked down and saw that she was smiling. "Please." your mother whispered, pulling him in for a passionate kiss as tears slipped down her cheeks. "I love you to the moon and never back, remember that." she said, taking one last breath as her soul passed on, and she finally found peace. Meliodas held you close as you slept, and started walking home to get to the castle, but was stopped by none other than Zeldris. When he saw the newborn, and then his eldest brother's red and puffy eyes, he knew what had happened. "So that's why you were gone for over a year with your wife. Even though this is probably the worst time to have a child, you went and did it anyway." Zeldris remarked, sighing before the two heard the flapping of wings and looked up to see Estarossa.

The Demon King had eventually decided to allow you to stay in his castle since you were of his bloodline, despite having hated your mother with a passion. He saw that you looked a lot like your father, having his green eyes, but had your mother's (H/C) hair. Ever since your mother had been killed by those goddesses when you were two, you had been with your father and your uncles, Estarossa and Zeldris. They cared about you, but not very openly. You were a polite child to everyone you met, even when you said no to something. The only person you always listened to without hesitation was your father, and he rarely asked you to do stuff. To be fair though, he was constantly working in his room, and would rarely have time to spend with you. However, when he did spend time with you, he would listen to what you had to say, and he would tell you the actual answer instead of lying to you like other fathers did to their children.

"Lady (Y/N), where are you going?" one of the maids asked, causing you to stop walking and turn around. "I am going to see my father." you said, causing her to sigh. "Can you at least close the door to the lounge when you pass it?" she asked, but you were on a mission already, and couldn't afford your three year old brain getting side tracked. "No, I will not close the door to the lounge." you said politely, telling the maid goodbye before you ran off to find your father. You waited in the hall for him as he finished the meeting, dismissing the generals and warlords of the Demon King's Court. After he was finished with getting his things, he walked out and saw you sitting down against the wall, waiting patiently for him. "(Y/N), why are you here?" he asked, his voice telling you he was tired. "I was waiting for you." you responded, your green eyes gazing up into his as you spoke. He couldn't deny that it was hard to say no to you, and that he rarely did say no to you. You smiled as your father slung his bag over his shoulder before scooping you up in his arms and carrying you to his room. You sometimes slept on the large recliner chair he had as he did paperwork, which was very cushioned, and the seat sank about half of a foot whenever someone sat down in it. You were carried over to where he sat at his desk and sat down in his lap, leaning back and relaxing as he picked up his quill and started writing. The scratching noise the quill made, coupled with the occasional sound of a paper being set aside after being signed, was like a lullaby to you, and slowly lulled you to sleep alongside your father humming a lullaby he often used to hum to you when you were sung to sleep by him. After a while, Meliodas looked down and saw that you were asleep, and smiled softly before cleaning the pen tip of his quill as he deactivated his magic for the night. He then carried you to his king size bed and got in with you, holding you close as he sighed. "Goodnight, (Y/N)." he whispered. "Goodnight, father." you whispered back, causing him to smile as he put out the light of the candle at his bedside, before closing his eyes and falling asleep by your side.

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