Gloxinia x giant reader

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Hey guys, this is a request from @Shrimp12078. Hope you enjoy!

There were many things that made Fairies and Giants different. For one, their difference in height and size in general. For another, their abilities and the ways they fought in battle. And finally, how their bodies worked and how their races were created. Fairies came from plants while Giants were said to have come from the earth. There were other legends that said otherwise, but nobody really pondered it that much. Neither did Gloxinia ponder how a woman's monthly cycle worked, until you and Gherade explained it to him. Of course, he thought that that only happened to some women, and he didn't consider the fact that it happened to all women and that you were one of them that had it the worst. Cramps were the most agonizing pain you had gone through, and you were one of the few women of the Giant Race that got them during your time of the month.

You clutched your stomach and hissed in pain, tears rolling down your cheeks as you tried to stand properly. You managed to stand somewhat normally and quickly made your way home, ignoring Gloxinia when he called for you as you passed by. "What's with her?" Gherade asked, before her eyes widened. She thought for a minute and realized what time of the month it was, but was too late to tell her brother not to follow you as you stumbled home.

When you got home, you got the pack of heated rocks that Drole had given you, putting them against your lower stomach as you relaxed, feeling some of the pain go away. "Ahh, that feels so much better." you sighed after a few minutes, only for the pack to be knocked off of you when you jolted at the sound of Gloxinia coming into your house. "(Y/N) are you ok?" he asked, slightly panicked as you became confused. "What do you mean?" you asked, before you felt him hug the side of your face. "You looked troubled, is something wrong?" he asked, sitting down on your chest. "Gloxinia, can you not sit there?" you asked, wincing due to how sensitive that area was. "Why? You always let me sit there. Is there something wrong with your chest?" he asked, laying down on one of your breasts. "No, but please, just not today, alright?" you asked, before groaning as another wave of pain washed over you. You gritted your teeth and then grabbed the warming pack before putting it back where it was before. "That's the stuff right there." you mumbled, as the pain went away once again. "Are you cold?" he asked, before he flew up to your neck and hugged you, his wings brushing up against your collarbone and your cheek, tickling you. "Hey, that tickles, hahaha, ow." you whimpered, before he stopped. "Please tell me." he begged, before the anger that had built up finally snapped. "I'm on my period you butterfly brained moron!" you snapped, before covering your mouth as you mumbled an apology. You looked at Gloxinia and saw that he looked confused. "I thought you didn't have that." he deadpanned, causing you to scowl at him. "What do you mean, all women have them." you explained, causing his eyes to widen as he looked to the side for a second and then back at you. "They do?" he asked, causing you to nod before he hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry, is there anything I can get you?" he asked, causing you to think for a minute before looking at him. "Chocolate, and lots of it." you said. "Why?" he asked. "It helps with the cramps." you explained, causing him to nod as he went to find Elizabeth and get you some chocolate.

After he got back, Gloxinia saw that you were in your bed asleep, and put the chocolate that he and Elizabeth had gotten in the pantry for you to eat later. He then sat down on your shoulder and rested, closing his eyes. He soon fell asleep on your shoulder, hoping that the pain had lessened, even if only slightly.

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