Mael x demon reader

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Hey guys, this was a request from @a_big_white_whale. Hope you enjoy!

If Mael were to look back at his younger self and tell him that his lover would be a demon, he never would have believed that sentence. However, now, seeing you asleep on his shoulder as you both met up here at the celestial theater whenever there were no shows, he believed every word of that sentence. Ludociel had given up on trying to reason with his younger brother because there was literally no way he could possibly hate you. Sure, you were a demon, but you had never killed anyone in your life, let alone faced anyone in combat. On top of that, being from nobility, you were very well versed in manners, and you were also polite, referring to people by their preferred title or name. If someone felt uncomfortable around you, you tried to comfort them by introducing yourself to them first to let them get to know you. Mael had been the first goddess you had ever seen, and you immediately offered him a hand when he was knocked down by an albion. When he tried to attack you, you dodged his attacks before fleeing from him, leaving him to think about the seemingly harmless and polite demon he had met that wasn't like Meliodas.


You ran, that was all you could do when there was a horde of celestials running after you. Your parents, siblings, your family was dead, killed before they found you sprinting like your life depended on it. When you got to a clearing, you knew you would be killed by the celestials if they saw you, but they didn't, and you heard shocked gasps and mumblings of awestruck celestials as they saw Mael step in front of you. "Sir Mael, please step away from that thing! Don't you know that that thing is a demon?!" one of the men of the group, he had blue eyes and blonde hair, and you knew that he was the leader of the group, given that he certainly had the demeanor and attitude of a celestial corporal. "Of course I know that. Are you implying that I'm an idiot, Sir Zoria?" he asked, deep ocean blue eyes piercing into light sky blue as he glared at the shorter male. It was obvious that this guy had seen you, but why was he...protecting you? You had been using your darkness to heal, but it wasn't working due to the spell they had used to cancel your magical power. Once the group of celestials left, the man...what was his name again? You couldn't remember what the celestial corporal had called him, and tried to rack your brain of what that blonde had said, but your vision started going fuzzy, and you passed out, falling into the Goddess' arms. Just before passing out, you heard his voice, soft and deep, telling you to rest, and that he would make sure you were alright.

When you woke woke up? How? Why didn't you get killed back at that cliff? You looked around and saw that what wounds had not been healed were bandaged carefully. You had a slight headache still causing your ears to ring, but when you looked around, you saw that you were in a hospital bed, and then tensed up when you felt a pair of arms gently push you back down. "Rest, you're lucky we spared you, but questions can be asked a little later. You look like you still need sleep." The voice belonged to a lady, and you found yourself all too willing to obey its command as a soft pink light flashed in front of your eyes, making the headache go away. You mumbled your thanks and fell back against the pillows of the bed, closing your eyes and getting the proper rest you needed.

When you woke up again, you saw that the sky outside the room's only window was dark, the moon looking like it was setting. You saw that your body was free to move, and you got up out of the bed you were in. You then saw a (F/C) dress at the foot of the bed, coupled with a pair of black flats, and put them on before admiring yourself in the room's mirror. You saw a brush at the dresser in the room and used it to brush the knots out of your hair before setting it back down. You decided to get a general layout of where you were, and slowly opened the door to the room, slipping quietly out into the hallway. You saw a flight of stairs, going in a large spiral down to what seemed to be the first floor. You saw a light on in the kitchen and your eyes landed on a person. His hair was platinum colored, reflecting the soft light from his magic, which seemed to highlight his beautiful blue eyes. They looked like an ocean at dusk, deep and However, the soft silence didn't last long, as he seemed to have sensed your presence. "So, you're finally awake, are you?" he asked, his gaze flicking over to you. You nodded softly, walking up to where he sat. "That's a relief. I thought you never would with how long you've been out. Elizabeth healed your wounds, so you'll have to thank her when she visits next time." you paused. This man was an enemy, so why was he helping you? It seemed as though he could read your mind. "I helped you because you saved me that day from that albion. My instincts wouldn't have been fast enough to get me out of the way in time before the thing crushed me, but you saved me. The reason I returned the favor is because of the fact that my brother thinks you're a spy, or something else, but I don't think that. I wanted you to tell me why you saved me from that albion, not my brother." he said. You looked at the chair in front of you and thought it best to sit down to talk to this man. Just as you got comfortable, two people rushed down the stairs. "Mael, the demon go-" they both trailed off when they saw you in a defensive position, your now fearful gaze flicking between them. You looked at the two goddesses in the room besides the one who had saved you. One had three heads, with the first having gray hair as if the man were a part of the elderly, with seemingly gray eyes to match, the middle head having red hair and orange eyes, and the third head having green hair and green eyes. The other goddess beside him had pale blue hair and golden yellow eyes, his wings folded tightly against his back, as if he were ready to fight should it be necessary. You heard footsteps from behind you and turned to see a male with straight raven hair that went to his waist, his eyes being closed and his face having sleep lines, a telling sign that he had been woken up by the former two yelling. You were no fool, having memorized faces since you were three, and the names that went with them. These four goddesses weren't just peons, they were the Archangels, a group of four goddesses that scared even the Ten Commandments. You had seen drawings of them, and assumed that the three headed one was Tarmiel, while the goddess beside him was Sariel. That meant that the ravenette was Ludociel, the leader of the Archangels and the leader of Stigma. Your gaze lifted up to the face of the fourth and final Archangel in the room. There was no doubt when his blue eyes met yours that you were looking directly at Mael of the Four Archangels, otherwise known as the Angel of Death by the Demon Race. Your eyes widened and nearly bugged out of your head, your face going salt white as you looked at this man who had killed so many of your kind. "Well then, it would seem that the fiery little creature is awake, so what has she said?" Ludociel asked, causing Mael to sigh deeply. "She was about to speak when these two," he pointed a thumb at Sariel and Tarmiel as your eyes followed his thumb, his every movement really, "decided to rudely interrupt by stating the obvious and waking you up as well, brother. I apologize that they did." he said. The ravenette smiled down at his younger sibling before shaking his head. "It's fine, you didn't do it, so it's not your fault. However, as for you two," he glared at Sariel and Tarmiel, "if you wake me up again, then the Demon Race will be the least of your worries, understand?" he threatened, causing the ladder two to nod vigorously before running upstairs to get back to their rooms. Ludociel bid Mael good night before looking down at you. "Just so you know, you may have saved him, but I don't believe that you did it selflessly." he said, turning to go back to his room. After Ludociel was gone, you let out a sigh of relief that you didn't know you had been holding in. Your body nearly collapsed as you used the table to keep your body upright as you spoke, your voice a whisper from pure fear alone. "I saved you because I hate the life I have. I just want to be able to live freely without the demon king trying to rule over my family and without this war killing so many people, but that's impossible for them because they were killed by the celestials, weren't they?" you asked, causing him to sigh and nod. "I don't know why I saved you, but after you did the same to me I figured that it was just...instinct. Like you were one of my people. I couldn't help myself." he said. Your face turned ever so slightly pink at the thought of someone going out of their way for you, but luckily enough he didn't see the flush of your cheeks. "Anyways, so, you already know my name, so what's your name?" he asked, a soft smile on his face.

~Flashback End~

You felt your lover bury his face in your neck, his stubble grazing against the crook of your neck as he kissed you, smiling softly when you giggled slightly. He raised his blue eyes to look at you as you pushed his face away from your neck. You turned and looked back at him before getting into his lap and leaning forward against his chest, relaxing in his comforting warmth. You looked up at him and gently cupped his face in your hand, with the other hand resting against his chest. He looked down at you and rested his forehead against yours, sighing deeply before falling onto his back, holding you close as he took one of your hands into his and kissed it, bringing it up to his face and holding it there with his own hand over yours. You smiled lovingly up at him, crawling up to where your face was level with his, and then pressing your lips against his. After you pulled away, you both laid down together, relaxing in the sunlit meadow you had found.

Seven Deadly Sins Oneshots Part 2 (Requests Closed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin