Chapter 61|| Christmas Shopping

Start from the beginning

"I wondered where you all where, but now I aren't surprised, is this temporary or are you staying here all break?" I asked Remus. I knew he'd tell me the truth, even if the truth stretched with a small lie, it was always partially there. 

"No, luckily, Sirius has a different room, and myself and Peter are sharing one down the hall. Peter doesn't like being on his own in a room, or I would've had one to myself," he answered. I smiled at the scarred boy, he was a very nice friend, I knew he'd rather have his own space, but he would give it up to help his friend.

Peter grumbled something that sounded like, "Don't tell her that," but I ignored it, if he was whispering it, he obviously didn't want me to hear. I suddenly heard a noise from downstairs, and it was Fleamont calling us all down for dinner, in which Sirius led the way. The stairs were always dangerous in the Potter household, it was like a heard of elephants all coming down at once, pushing and shoving coming from all directions.

"Walk don't run, or you'll fall and hurt yourself," Mia said idly, it was obvious she had dealt with this a lot. There was a hurried apology from the runners, and we all sat down at the dinner table, which had magically expanded to fit more people, and there was suddenly more chairs than there was last year. The food was also magical, but in a different way, this wasn't charmed but just very delicious.

"How about going to watch a movie again?" Monty suggested after we'd all eaten. James choked on the sip of water he was taking, Sirius freezing in his spot. To this reaction, Monty chuckled and said, "I guess not then." Euphemia told us all to get an earlier sleep tonight, as tomorrow she suggested that we all go into the Muggle world and go shopping, which we all viewed as a safer option.

The next morning I woke and changed quickly, hurrying down for breakfast, as I could already hear people in the kitchen, eating or talking. Rightly so, Euphemia was making a coffee, Fleamont reading the Daily Prophet and drinking said coffee, James and Sirius were chasing each other with a butter knife but no one seemed to care, Remus was eating some toast, one with jam the other with marmalade, but Peter was obviously still changing.

Half an hour later, us five teenagers were all walking through a Muggle street, the two adults having gone to Diagon Alley to go shopping. "Where do you recommend Wormy?" James asked the boy, who cringed at the shortening of his nickname. Nevertheless, Peter suggested a few shops he knew quite well, and we all decided to take a trek to those shops. 

"This one?" Sirius questioned. Inside, I saw multiple leather jackets, jeans, Doc Martens, and graphic t-shirts, it was like a store that a Muggle rock band would shop at. It was like a store that had created Remus Lupin.

Peter nodded, and with that, all five of us walked inside, it was a twenty percent off Christmas sale, and we were tasked to buy a Christmas present for each other in these Muggle stores. I saw a pair of Docs for Remus, a leather jacket for Sirius, a baseball cap for James to hide that messy hair, and a graphic shirt for Peter, with an orange pattern on I knew he'd like. 

I bought these things with the money I'd exchanged from sickles and galleons to coins. I walked around the store once more, taking a few detours down the aisles, and as soon as I heard an unfamiliar voice saying, "Hey girl, want to take a walk somewhere with me?" I knew it was time to find the boys. 

I ignored the voice and spotted a head over all of the clothes rails, and made my way over to Remus and stood by his side, all while he tried to shoo me off as he was going to buy something.

Walking out of the store, we all decided to share our presents early, as many of the boys were unsurprisingly impatient and very childlike. When I gave each of the boys their presents, their reactions were exactly like I'd imagined them, the gifts all fitted their personality, and they loved the things I'd bought for them. 

I happened to get a pair of shoes from James, a shirt from Remus, a small collection of badges Peter deemed to be 'cool', and a black denim jacket from Sirius.

"I love how you bought each other similar things," James laughed. I glanced at Sirius and smiled, to which he returned. "Great minds think alike," Black replied. 

Remus sighed at the grey eyed boy, carrying his presents in his hands, "How is it you know so many Muggle sayings?" Sirius and Remus then promptly had an argument about how much attention the former pays in Muggle Studies, James always deciding to get involved, myself and Peter sharing a look and laughing.

"We just have to get something for my parents, or I do at least," James sighed. I wanted to add in something for the two adults, they treated us all so nice, and were very hospitable, it was also necessary to get them something for the gratitude I felt as they let us stay at their house every break. 

"We'll chip in too," Sirius said happily, "I think of them as my actual parents, the other ones I have aren't really. But I do need to go back during the summer to sort things out, Uncle Alphard is nearly gone, I think. I want to see him at least."

"Merry Christmas everyone, and a sad new year from Sirius," James whispered. I grinned at the curly haired boy and as he went to ruffle his own hair, I grabbed the cap from his hands and slapped it on his head. "Erm, excuse me Thea," James said sassily. He then continued to chase me down the Muggle streets with the very cap.

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