Chapter 28|| Remus, I know.

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It was back to normal lessons and our daily Hogwarts lives this morning, going down to breakfast at seven thirty am and starting lessons at nine, having to look at the timetable and walking up or down many stairs to get to class. 

The only change this year, was that we did our chosen subjects and that meant I had my two new lessons, Arithmancy and Divination so the former was with Remus and the latter was with James, Sirius and Peter. When I had got down to breakfast and eating cereal, I checked my timetable. 

I had Transfiguration first, and then Divination.

Sitting next to Remus in Transfiguration was wonderful, McGonagall had tried to separate the five of us, but in the end she gave up and sat the two of  us together. Lily was sat with Sirius, James and Pandora Black, Peter and a Ravenclaw girl I didn't know the name of. 

Evelyn was also in this class, and every few minutes, she turned around to glance at me and check I was still okay after the huge news she dropped.

Myself and the boys had planned to tell McGonagall today, even when we didn't know her lesson would be first. There was one subject however, that I planned to ask Remus separately, and I think Lily had known for a while, and I think I've had an idea for a short while now. 

I quietly nudged him, and he turned his head towards me questioningly, writing notes on third year Transfiguration expectations. There was no other way to put this. I whispered, "Remus, I know." He turned pale, dropping his quill suddenly, and stuttered, "Know what?"

"Remus come on, you're not stupid, nor do I care about anything I know, it doesn't change you as a person," I told him. He looked down at his hands and fiddled with his fingers, his face showed nervousness and I couldn't blame him. He sniffed and looked at me again before whispering softly, "But I'm a monster. I'll understand if you don't want to talk to me again." 

I felt so sorry for him.

He must have felt shunted out his whole life, not good enough and not worth it. He must have felt as though anyone that would know about his condition would want to leave him and that made me upset. 

"Remus John Lupin, I'm extremely sorry that I'm not cowering in fear, but you read Ancient Runes books for fun, and fold all of your sweaters by colour order. I hope you'll understand if that I don't care about what you are."

He waited until McGonagall had her back turned for a minute and hugged me, whispering over and over, "Thank you." I wondered if he'd told anybody else, apart from Lily of course, it was quite obvious when she knew something. I don't know if anybody else had recognised, but whenever someone told her a secret, she side eyed that person for days on end, and whispered to them when she thought no one was looking.

After the lesson, the five of us had stayed back to talk to McGonagall about the predicament that I was in. Upon hearing my problem with Evan Rosier, she shook her head, her face quite pale, and she told me confidently, "Don't you worry Miss Pattinson, I'll talk to him, and I'll hopefully sort this out for you." The boys looked relieved, but no more so than I felt.

Divination was next and I had that lesson with the other three members of the Marauders, not to my luck of course. It was a nightmare trying to find and get to the Divination classroom on one of the top towers, with a teacher called Madam Zeroni, who the many that took that class said was half a lunatic, and half inspirational. 

This notion did not fill me with any confidence, even more so that I was taking this class with some of the strangest pupils that Hogwarts had to offer.

As I sat on a small pouffe, Peter sat on one side next to me, and the platonic soulmates on the other as we waited for this Madam Zeroni. It was obvious of her personality as she walked in with sunglasses placed directly on, in an indoor room, lit the fire with her wand, and sat back in an armchair, talking with a spiritually dreamy voice.

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