Chapter 35|| Sneaking in Slytherin

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"This is a really bad idea boys, actually, I can't believe I agreed to help you," I muttered mutinously. I was currently under the invisibility cloak James had brought, with the four Marauders, sneaking to the Slytherin common room in the middle of the night. If anyone asked how I got there, I would never say, because I wasn't even sure myself.

The boys had planned to prank the Slytherins with doing something to their common room, and to the ones we dislike the most, they added an extra sprinkle of mischief, but apparently they also needed my help.  When I asked why, nobody answered me. I stupidly agreed to go.

We snuck past the castle's main doorway and down into the dungeons, where it was a lot colder than the normal floors of Hogwarts. The five of us made our way past the Potions classroom, then Potions master's office, and finally towards the infamous Slytherin common room that was just nerve wracking to even be near. 

When we eventually arrived there, we stood in front of a large grey stone wall, and just when I thought we had chosen the wrong place, Sirius whispered, "Salazar." The stone wall surprisingly slide to the side, and me and Peter watched it in awe, our eyes widening in unison.

Underneath the cloak, the five of us stepped into the Slytherin common room and looked around, it was very different to the Gryffindor common room - of course - that we were all used to. I jumped as the door (or wall) closed behind us, and I took this a chance to look around. 

There was a fireplace too, like our common room, but it was blazing an emerald green fire instead, the fireplace itself was a dark greyish green colour, and the chairs surrounding it were leather couches, not squashy material armchairs. There was a thin grey rug on the floor, and many strange looking artefacts on the top of the fireplace.

I was quite nervous sneaking around in a different dormitory at night, especially a Slytherin one, but I was under the invisibility cloak, so even if they knew something was there, nobody would know it was us. That was unless James or Sirius decided to tell everyone, which, I wouldn't put it past them, I trusted the other two a bit more with keeping a secret. 

Anyway, hopefully everyone in the entire school, surely even the teachers, were sound asleep, as it was very late at night. In fact, I would call it sheer luck if nobody woke up during the middle of the night to sit in the common room or use their bathroom rather like I did on the occasion. I also wouldn't put it past many Slytherins to have insomnia.

Sirius and Remus snuck up to different dorms, taking the route of the boys rooms, as they wouldn't be able to get into the girls with the staircase problem. James, Peter, and I stayed in the common room and decided to talk about what we would do to the area, and we shared ideas on how to improve it. 

Peter had an amazing idea of redecorating, as the green and silver was very repetitive anyway. "I'm sure this place needs a designer touch, Pattinson, care to do the honours?" James asked me.

I decided to recall the household spell of changing the wall colour, like it was painted, but with a wand instead. I wanted to change the room to a nice shade of pink and gold. James complained saying he wanted it all red and gold, but I rebutted with the fact that maybe we could get away with it, and if we painted it red, it would be obvious who it was. 

We had also decided to give Sirius and Remus the cloak of invisibility, because if anyone woke up, they would be seen, but if someone saw us, we'd have had a pre warning listening to them walk down the stairs. It would still be bad for us, but hopefully only slightly less worse.

After we made the walls pink and the ceiling gold, we made the fireplace a gold colour too, and then with the rest of the furniture, we touched it up with some pink cushions courtesy of James, and a large portrait of Madam Zeroni as a gift from Peter. I heard a sudden noise on the stairs, and all three of us hid behind the couch and listened to the figures walking down the staircase from the boys dormitories. 

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