chapter 111

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Before high school, Song Xuan thought he was an ordinary boy.

The unusual point is probably that he looks particularly handsome.

Since junior high school, I have often received love letters. Love is wanted to talk about, but Song Mama is the school director, the class teacher is Song Mama's good friend, entrusted to such a handsome child to manage very strictly, before and after the left and right are all boys, completely isolated from his contact with girls environment.

The clothes can't be worn well, because they are too handsome, and I am afraid that he will wear better clothes and be more troublesome.

Only school-issued sportswear can be worn.

He was also given special care by teachers of various subjects, and he had no friends.

Mama Song said that he was not in good health, and he was not allowed to participate in all kinds of strenuous sports, and it was impossible to play basketball and soccer.

The family lives in the family area of the school and comes home for five minutes after school.

The middle school life of The legendary school cao Songxuan of X City No. 1 Middle School is extremely depressing.

After school this afternoon, Song Xuan came out at home for dinner and took a carton of milk and walked around the playground.

A group of boys play basketball.

He stood next to him and watched enviously.

There were girls watching basketball, and as soon as he came, everyone stared at him.

Boys at this age don't play basketball just like basketball.

Also counting on the sous bag to attract some attention from the opposite sex.

After playing a game of basketball, I also went to the evening to study.

One of the basketball brothers graciously came to chat with Song Xuan and invited him to play basketball together tomorrow.

This brother was tall, muscular, and at the age of eighteen he looked like he was thirty years old, and he was nicknamed Akagi Tsuyoshi. <

He walked against the light, sweat shining on his bulging trapezius muscles.

Smile and shine.

"Brother, let's play basketball together tomorrow."

Song Xuan didn't feel that his face was slightly red.

Akagi Tsuyoshi took a loudspeaker and patted him on the shoulder, "You're quite tall, how come I haven't seen you." Come tomorrow? Song

Xuan ghost made the gods respond badly.

The next day, after a few meals, he sneaked out of the house early to go to the basketball court.

He is a meter and eight, and although he is not very good at playing basketball, he can also help a lot by running on the court.

Usually his mother stared at him and didn't allow him to toss these things.

At this moment, it was as if he had released his repressed nature for several years, running and screaming, leaving a sweat.

The field was full of onlookers.

Akagi Tsuyoshi is the eldest brother of this group of basketball boys, who is very grinning, and the family conditions are also very good, and he also invites the boys who play basketball together to dinner on weekends.

Song Xuan begged his mother for permission and finally got out.

That's just once.

Sixteen-year-old boys drink and play games, and play very comfortably.

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