chapter 4

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Dongfang Boyan's eyes were dark, he was born extremely rich and expensive, he always enjoyed the best, unique, and no one dared to seize his dragon bed.

Going to sleep in a small bedroom?

No, how could a business emperor like him go to sleep in a guest room!

Dongfang Boyan took out his spare bathrobe and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After blowing his hair out, he found that the little pregnant man had changed direction, still in large characters, but the white and tender feet rested wantonly on his noble, embroidered pillow with golden dragons.

How can this be endured!

He hurried to rescue the pillow and threw it on the ground.

After all, it is a person with a cleanliness habit, how can it sleep on a pillow that has been stepped on!

Dongfang Boyan sat on the bed, his heart was suffocated, lie down, next to someone else's feet, do not lie down, and sleepy, he is a person with strong self-discipline, he must fall asleep at twelve o'clock.

In the end, like Yuan Chaoyu, he slept with his head at the end of the bed and his feet towards the head of the bed.

Because the little pregnant man slept with his hands spread, the noble business emperor Dongfang Boyan could only fold his hands on his chest and regularly guard this meter-wide boundary.

In the middle of the night, Dongfang Boyan was kicked awake.

He sat up furiously and found that Yuan Chaoyu had changed his posture again! His feet rested on his chest, just a nest of feet.

Dongfang Boyan crawled over and shook the man awake.

Yuan Chaoyu opened his eyes in confusion and innocently asked, "What's wrong?"

Dongfang Boyan: "How do you sleep!"

Yuan Chaoyu yawned, "Oh, I don't sleep well, I like to move around, you go to sleep next door." ""Why don't

you go next door?" said Dongfang Boyan, with a bad look on his face and a threatening connotation.

Yuan Chaoyu looked at his fierce eyes, remembered the wind and clouds of the man who called Wang's bankruptcy during the day, quickly pulled open the bathrobe, revealed a slightly raised small belly, touched his stomach and said: "Husband, it is so hard for people to carry a baby." Think

he doesn't know, the bed next door is only one meter and five ah, not as soft as this bed, the sky and the earth are big, the golden lumps in the stomach are the biggest, you want to grab the bed with the kiss cubs?

The yukata is black embroidered with gold thread, and the juvenile's skin is lined with whiter and more tender.

Dongfang Boyan stared at him for three seconds in confusion, got up and slammed the door and went out.

The service staff poked his head out of the duty room, full of question marks, how did the boss go to sleep in the guest bedroom?

Dongfang Boyan is a self-disciplined person, like Zhihu and many successful people in the workplace public account examples, only sleep for six hours, get up at six o'clock to work.

He first replied with half an hour of mail, then breakfast, fitness.

He was holding up an iron in the small gym next to his bedroom, and suddenly heard Yuan Chaoyu shouting: "Husband, why are my slippers missing?"

"Husband, where are you?"



Dongfang Boyan: "..."

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