chapter 99

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Dongfang Boyan looked at him with discomfort on his chest and asked with concern, "Baby, what's wrong with you?"

Yuan Chaoyu covered his mouth and shook his head: "I kind of want to throw up, maybe the hair belly I ate last night was not fresh."

Last night he went out to dinner with Little Sister No. 0 and Song Xuan.

Eat the kind of Internet celebrity shop that has been in line for a long time, eat and find that it is not good, the ingredients are not very good, but it feels great to eat psychologically, because there is no partner, so hi oh.

Dongfang Boyan was definitely holding him and not allowing him to eat.

Because he always felt that the outside was not hygienic, he was willing to let the kitchen airlift ingredients from all over the world and eat hot pot at home.

Now that he had finished eating the hot pot, what could Dongfang Boyan say, looking at his lover's pitiful look, he could only say a few words bitterly.

"Don't eat street food outside in the future, it's not clean."

How old are the people, even Yo Yo knows that you can't eat street food, but this dad is always inappropriate.

Dongfang Boyan always looks at the little lover so willful and delicate, and there is always a feeling that he can't live without himself.

Yuan Chaoyu usually says a few words, and the roadside stalls are also very delicious, but this time he planted, he blinked his eyes and hung his face slightly, which meant that he recognized the mistake.

Looking at his well-behaved appearance, Dongfang Boyan sighed. "I'll call the doctor first, you don't have to send you today, or I'll send him to school."

Yuan Chaoyu immediately objected: "No, I'm going to send Youyou, and he only asked me yesterday if I could send him to school."

"I'm going to end a job, I'm going to be a good dad."

Seeing that he is so insistent, Dongfang Boyan does not object, but insists, and when he finishes sending you, he must see a doctor. <

A family of three sat in the dining room for breakfast.

Today is a Western breakfast.

Simple egg bacon sandwich.

Milk with Yuan Dynasty rain.

Oriental Boyan is coffee, yo yo is yogurt.

Yo Yo is seven years old, looks very much like Yuan Chaoyu, has a small round face, snow balls, and two large blue eyes embedded in it like sapphires.

Dressed in a blue school uniform and a red scarf around his neck, he sat obediently eating sandwiches.

Dongfang Boyan scooped a few spoonfuls of Yo Yo's yogurt and fed it to Yuan Chaoyu.

"Come, baby, you're not feeling well after eating hot pot, eat some yogurt to help digestion."

Yuan Chaoyu opened his mouth and ate.

Yo Yo is used to them feeding around in front of them like this, and grabbing their own food.

He just urged, "Little Dad, you have to finish eating quickly, or I'll be late for school."

Yuan Chaoyu saw the child urging himself and hurriedly responded well.

He picked up the sandwich and prepared to eat a few bites.

Just took a bite, felt disgusted, covered his mouth and kept vomiting.

Dongfang Boyan was frightened and quickly called a doctor.

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