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no because i'm so serious, i'm bawling my eyes out right now. i'm literally dripping tears on my screen right now.

you guys don't understand how much this means to me.

thank you so much for sticking by me and supporting me on my hiatuses.

it means so much to me.

i didn't ever think this book would get any attention, let alone 100k reads.

i started this off as a way to cope with some certain stuff. which is talked about a lot in this book.

and it makes me so happy to know that people enjoy my work, and what i put out. and get excited when i drop a new chapter..

you guys keep me motivated to stay and work for something, even when it's hard.

even when i feel as if i have no way to actually keep pushing with this book or get out of bed.

y'all check on me, and talk to me, and establish a relationship with me outside of my comment section.

it's like i have a bunch of online friends, and it means the world to me.

i'm trying not to sound like a damn sap but honestly i'm emotional as fuck right now. this is huge for me.

this whole community that's now surrounding me is huge. and honestly, thank you.

there isn't enough words to express how thankful i am right now. thank you.

and there's something good that's gonna happen when this book is over.. i swear you guys are gonna love it. :)

just like. wow.. i'm literally sobbing right now.. this is just incredible to me. i'm so fucking happy right now.. i'm overjoyed. it's just crazy..

this is a hell of a ride and it's slowly coming to an end man. but god im just so happy...

i love you guys. so much. from the bottom of my heart.

thank you.

- ava raine

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