𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝

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~Because of me, i'm gonna lose another person I love

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Because of me, i'm gonna lose another person I love..

It's all my fault.

I fell into the wall, looking at them try and wake her up.

After 10 minutes, I couldn't bare it anymore and walked away.

I hated seeing her like this, what if she's dead because of me..

"One more time." Paramedic said.

I heard a grunt and then a loud cough.

"HEY what was that?" I yelled.


I walked back to the room to see the paramedic smiling at her," She's up."

"Can you tell me how, what did you do? Why was she out? Tell me everything." I pleaded.

"My head hurts." She said.

"I found you on the bathroom floor.." I said.

"Oh, I slipped when I heard the loud noises, trying to get out and help you."

She tried to.. what?

"I hate to break up the moment, but, I need to check for any severe damage before we let the police take over." The paramedic said.

"My apologies."

I stepped out and walked to the living room, looking at what it has become.

It was a mess, the tv was the only thing intact.

Books off the bookshelf were on the ground, shards of glass covered everything like a thick blanket.

My flower vase was knocked over, the roses now on the floor.

It was like a tornado ripped apart everything in my home.

"Is this your residence?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you have any idea why this happened? Who might've done this?"

I know exactly why, but no idea on who. It could be a shit ton of people.

"No sir, I really don't, unfortunately I know that's not much help." I said, lying my ass off.

"Well, there's a requirement for this kinda stuff." He said," You can't stay in this apartment, for your safety."

"I understand that."

"Alright, i'm getting the crime scene unit down here in 30 minutes, I expect you to be gone by then. No we won't go past your living room because you were a victim of the crime not someone that committed it, I also don't have a warrant to search your house."

I stood in awe, I didn't care if he went through my house.

The only valuable things in it are my moms books and Araceli.

"I understand sir, i'll be out with my girlfriend immediately."


I walked to my room and immediately began to tell Araceli everything.

"Woah woah slow down." She said.

"One more second, this is the last part." The paramedic said.

"My bad."

I watched her take a pen to her eyes and move it back and forth.

I'm no doctor so I have no idea what the hell she was doing.

"So far everything looks okay. If anything changes, come to the hospital okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Yes ma'am, i'll take her." I said.

"Alright, I know the cop gave you instructions so be sure to follow those immediately."

"Yes ma'am."

When she left the room I looked at Araceli.

"YOU'RE OKAY!!!" I said, diving into her.

"I'm okay.."

"I thought you died." I said," I was so worried."

Her eyes went wide," You were worried about me?"

"Yes.. why wouldn't I be."

"I don't know, it just shows I mean something to you." She said smiling.

"I thought you knew that?"

"I did, I just wanted to hear it again." She said.

"Oh shut up." I said, wrapping my arms around her.

I felt small drops of water hit my head.

"What's wrong."

"I thought you were dying, that's why I jumped out so fast, that's why I fell." She said," I thought you got hurt, that's why I panicked. If you got hurt I don't know what I would do without you Daniel."

I didn't know how to feel, my emotions weren't in the right place.

I don't understand this feeling, ive never really experienced someone caring for me this much.

Or someone caring for me at all.

I sat back up and cradled her head in my arms.

"I love you. I'm sorry you were scared."

I felt her mouth drop open.

"You really meant that.." She said.

"I always did, I love you."

"I love you too Daniel.." She said," I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize for a situation that was all my fault. I'm gonna protect you with my life. That's a promise."

I'm not gonna lose you, ever.



hey lol.

she's alive..


BYE idk what to say rn. BUT TY FOR 4k BSJXJSKC

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