(FEN: ofc it is it's their plan :D)

They stayed apart while asleep on the mattress. Y/N wasn't ready to be too close again and Tommy knew he'd hurt Y/N.

(FEN: breaking up w/ someone Valentine's Day tends to hurt people, Tommy

(A/n: dum little man.)

Everyone said their good nights. Y/N and Tommy quickly fell asleep but Tubbo and Ranboo spent the night coming up with things they could set up to get them back together.

They snickered at their plan before falling asleep due to exhaustion.


The next morning Tommy woke up. It wouldn't have been a problem however he was tightened in a warm embrace from behind.

(FEN: uh oh tis Y/N)

He twisted his neck to see Y/N fast asleep, their arms wrapped around his waist and most of their body weight leaned onto him.

He didn't want to wake them, but their soft breath made him whimper with a flustered expression. He covered his face with his hands, wiping the memories off his face. Once he finds out the source of these visions he can explain everything.

Tommy for now needed to come up with something quick. An idea popped into his head. He extended out his wings, pushing Y/N lightly away. They moved from cuddling Tommy to cuddling the wings. That wasn't much of a problem and looked more innocent than their original position.


(A/n: I do the same aha.)

After a moment he heard noises, he quickly rested his head down on the mattress and pretended to be asleep.

Y/N opened their eyes and realized they were curled up onto Tommy's wings. They lightly moved them and sat up to stretch.

A while later everyone had woken up. They got all their packed clothes and items into the trunk of Tubbo's mum's car before getting in themselves.

Tubbo insisted on shotgun, since he often gets car sick, and to be frank no one wanted to have to stop two hours in because Tubbo was puking his guts out.

(FEN: thank you, gmail, for trying to correct it to 'Tubbo insisted on a shotgun'. There is no other answer. He wants his shotgun, give em the shotgun I say!)

(A/n: do not give tubbo a shotgun that's an accident waiting to happen.)

Ranboo sat on the far left with Y/N wedged in between Tommy. This placement was, of course, intentional, all part of Tubbo's master plan. They couldn't complain since it wasn't about them. This was just a vacation for all of them to finally take.

However it was very awkward as Y/N and Tommy were practically touching. Ranboo was a very big lad so avoiding his leg space and bubble was hard.

(FEN: lanky boi)

Of course, not even a couple minutes in, the karaoke started. They all collectively felt bad for Tubbo's mom as she had to drive four teenagers for five hours just to spend five days supervising them. Her fault for allowing her son to invite his dear friends.

The music abruptly stopped, mostly everyone had fallen asleep after Tubbo's second time throwing up.

Y/N and Tommy were fast asleep on each other's shoulders, which was sweet to Ranboo and Tubbo, but with context was more on the bitter side.

Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now