11: Theseus

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Final design I'm pretty sure. We have black sweats with sneakers. (Of course) and the iconic red and white jacket. I made it a bomber jacket because they rock. Under neath is black under amor and the original base ball T-shirt Tommy wears.

And that's about it, and the occasional goggles and mask.

But anyway I hope you enjoy!!!!! Love y'all!!!!


Tommy tackled him. He tried catching the vase but was pulled back as the guy scrambled underneath him.

Behind him came the sounds od running. It was his partner. Tommy pushed him with his wing, causing him to trip.

"WHO ARE YOU?" the man on the floor yelled. Tommy smirked. Although it wasn't present in the mask you could sense his pride.

"Theseus," he said, punching him square in the face, knocking them out. The other guy stared at Tommy in terror.

"Please I don't want to go to jail!" he said, putting his hands up. Tommy batted his wings at him, throwing a powerful gust of wind towards him. That caused the thief to fall back into the store wall and get knocked out cold.

"Did it," Tommy said to Tubbo.
Tubbo clapped and cheered.

Chapter 11: Theseus

"BRO THAT WAS SICK! Also, the name?" Tubbo asked. Tommy chuckled nervously.

"It's just from a book a friend recommended me," Tommy replied. Tubbo didn't have any idea about Phil. It was better he didn't know about the reality of death and life.

(SFEN: my phone corrected Tubbo to Unbothered)

"It's cool!" Tubbo said. "Theseus, the hero." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Is that all today?" Tommy asked. Tubbo cleared his throat.

"I'm afraid so, just petty crimes going on. Nothing much." Tommy sighed, but the silence was stopped by the distant blaring of police cars.

"Alright, I think it's time you leave." Tubbo said, Tommy agreed and flew off.

(SFEN: ACTUALLY MEGHAN I CANT SIT ANYONE *pack o crackers hits me in the face* ALICE YOU B -)

As the cops inspected the crime scene they saw two men knocked out on the pavement. Bright red feathers were scattered around the scene.

Along with a broken vase.


Y/N ran. There was no where to go, and Y/N didn't want to go home. Y/N had nowhere.


Y/N realized what this feeling was. Y/N had a crush on Tommy. It was apparent, but not so much for Y/N.

(SFEN: bout time ya dult
Ca-caw, I'ma a crow, feed me your barf mother)

Y/N's duties blinded them as feelings bloomed from a friendship. However, Y/N wasn't sure what that feeling was back then, but as they ran they knew. They were sure.

Y/N ran into a coffee shop. It was quiet, and the only apparent thing was the television blaring in the background.

Y/N sat at the tables, trying to contemplate what to do.

Y/N looked at the TV to see a group of police inspecting a crime scene. The only thing that caught Y/N's eye was the red feathers scattered around the attempted robbery of an antique shop.

Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat