47: The Day

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I redrew Roxanne cause I wasn't such a fan of the old style, but hope this one is better. I'm slowly getting addicted to security breach, I thought my fnaf faze was done.

Anyway enjoy!!


Ranboo was exhausted. Mumza had done a great job helping him and Tubbo, but something clouded his mind.

The night that Tommy died, why did he lean in like that. One of his best friends was dead and his first move was kiss his lover.

(F/E/N: stfu I am still so mad about this)

(A/n: You told me to do it.)


Chapter 47: The Day

Ranboo placed his hands over his face, the guilt set in. He surely didn't like Y/n like that, they have always been like a sibling.

Ranboo shook it off. He had to apologize to Y/n, he never meant for things to go the way it did.



Tubbo was sound asleep as always, but his wounds had mostly healed. Two days since the night and he had almost healed fully. Of course thanks to Mumza.

(F/E/N: pray to Mumza. Pray.)

They had plans to go back to school Monday and release all information about Satellite labs.


Monday rolled around, it was the day.

(F/E/N: I would have been that one guy who died in this story probably)

(A/n: they have all died at least once this entire book)

It was a windy morning, Y/n and Tommy both woke up. They all decided to put their suits under their actual clothes just for extra measure.

(F/E/N: when you're trying to find out how long something is, then realize you can use the superhuman suit underneath your shirt for 'extra measure')

(A/n: fuck you, cat noir wannabe)

Mumza made clothes for Ranboo, since he really couldn't borrow anything from anyone, and she also made some clothes for Y/n but they still borrowed Tommy's clothes.

(F/E/N: L. L for Ranboo. Spam L's guys. L.)

It was the day on the other hand, Y/n and Tommy still were the most damaged. Mumza advised for them not to move too much but of course they refused and decided to go to school with the others.

(F/E/N: just got lectured by mum)

Wilbur was sound asleep on the couch. He never had time to go to his room, must've been hard for him to fall asleep either way.

Tommy left a note for Wilbur before walking out with Y/n.

Around the corner came Tubbo and Ranboo. They waved at the two of them. Tommy waved back and grabbed Y/n's hand, pulling them to walk with the others.

They all laughed and chatted as they walked.

They saw a little kid walking down the street, and they pointed at Tommy in confusion. The others looked around while Y/n realized Tommy had his wings out.

"TOMMY YOUR WINGS." Y/n laughed, heaving. Tommy panicked.

"It's a costume don't worry." Ranboo reassured. The kid nodded happily and went on with their day. They ran somewhere so Tommy could hide them.

Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now