32: Thoughts

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Tommy is over everyone's bullshit. And understandably too, imagine being exiled and tortured and people bother you cause in the past you stole a block of dirt.

C!tommy deserves better. I am an apologist 😌✨✨✨✨


The letter itched at the back of their heads. Was Dream actually alive? If so, how did he find them?

(F/E/N: hey y'all how u guys doing?)

There was no way he was alive. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo watched him die. They felt his pulse until it ran out.

Dream was dead.

However, the letter contradicted. Despite them witnessing his death, the media disclosed his death.

How could he be alive?

Chapter 32: Thoughts

"Hey are you alright?" Tommy asked, placing a hand on Y/n's shoulder. Y/n nodded, finally looking up from their hands.

(F/E/N: no none of us are lol anyways y'all better go eat and drink or I'm going to grab another fucking cactus and run over to your house. They don't help w/ self harm they literally just hurt-)

"Yeah, I'm just a bit stressed." Y/n sighed. Tommy sat down next to them in hopes to comfort Y/n.

"About what?" Tommy added. He knew what but he wanted Y/n to speak their mind.

"The fact that we are being hunted by the government, and Dream may not be dead, or the fact that we are in constant danger even though we pretend we aren't!! And our only glimmer of hope is some random goddess who you somehow know!!?? You don't see how this is a little overwhelming." Y/n said, frustrated. They didn't mean to raise their tone at Tommy or lash out in any means. It was just the heat in the moment.

(F/E/N: me every day this week 😃)

Y/n noticed their over reacting and took a beat to collect themself.

"I'm sorry, it's just a little confusing and it's really exhausting." Y/n admitted. Tommy gave them a patient smile, not trying to push Y/n any further.

"We all are going to be fine." Tommy comforted, he wasn't the best at it but that's really all he could say.

"I'm just fucking scared Toms." Y/n said. Tommy hadn't had time to really recover or even think of what had happened.


"Me too, I'm scared of losing you. All of you, Ranboo, Toby, fuck even Wilbur, despite him being a dickhead." Tommy said light heartedly. Y/n chuckled at his constant mocking of Wilbur.

"You're right, we will be perfectly fine. After we do what we have to." Y/n said. Tommy nodded.

"Of course, but for now we are safe. We have 4 days until Friday night. Lay low while we plan." Tommy said. Y/n nodded.

"You reckon I could eat 2 pints of ice cream faster than Tubbo?" Tommy asked, standing up. Y/n laughed, Tommy knew this would amuse them.

(F/E/N: ya know what would amuse me? Getting a good grade.)

"I'll go call Tubbo." Tommy said. He planted a kiss on Y/n's cheek.

"My bets on Tubbo!!" Y/n yelled at the open door as Tommy ran out, yelling for Tubbo's name.

"HEY YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO ROOT FOR ME." Tommy yelled back. Y/n heaved over, laughing as Tubbo came running down the stairs.

Friday Morning

"Tommy wake up!!" Y/n said, shaking Tommy lightly. He groaned with disappointment as he realized what time of day it was.

"I don't want to get up." Tommy slurred, shifting on his other side. Y/n rolled their eyes and shook him again.

"Come on Pretty Bird we have school!!" Y/n said again, eagerly trying to get him to wake. But he just shifted away.

"Come onnnnnnn!!" Y/n said. Tommy let out his wings and lightly pushed Y/n out of the way.

(F/E/N: push me again I dare you. I won't do anything to you bcuz I'm weak as fuck but do it again I dare you.)

"Ok fuck you." Y/n laughed, pushing his wing away from their face. Tommy smiled and turned around to face Y/n.

"Don't give me that smirk, let's go." Y/n scoffed. Tommy laughed as Y/n started to walk away to taunt him.

(F/E/N: if I was Tommy I would have just fucking sat there and fallen back asleep even if I wanted to get out of bed)

"Fineee." Tommy slurred, sitting up. He fixed his disheveled blond hair and gave a refreshing stretch in an attempt to start the day.

Y/n turned around to face him with an amused smirk. Tommy rolled his eyes as he knew Y/n had won in the goal to wake him up.

"Alright I'll see you downstairs." Y/n said, disheveling Tommy's hair once more before walking out.

Tommy rolled his eyes playfully, fixing his curly blond hair back into place.


As they walked down the street towards their school Y/n thought to themselves.

"What's on your mind?" Ranboo asked, placing a hand on Y/n's shoulder. Y/n looked up at him and hid their scared expression with a smile. But it didn't last as Ranboo's face was not amused.

(F/E/N: get off our case man. Or don't because I love you but no.)

"Come on spill." Ranboo said, walking to catch up to them. Y/n sighed before admitting.

"I'll admit, I am terrified." Y/n mumbled in embarrassment. Tommy walked over, noticing their conversation.

"It's Friday, we all know what's going to happen today." Y/n said. Tommy immediately understood what was happening.

(F/E/N: *eating popcorn* 'cept for me cuz I forgot)

"Make that the two of us, but we got this. I know we do." Tommy said, letting out a deep exhale. One filled with determination, however fear trembled in him. It was Friday, and night lingered.

A little shorter!! Sorry I've been really busy 😭😭 I'm trying to get back on track tho!!!

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 1023


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