50: Popularity

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Ayo did some angst cause haven't drawn Tommy in a hot second.

But anyway enjoy!!!!


"What do you plan to do?" Y/n whispered to Tommy as they sat down. He took a moment to think then sighed.

(F/E/N: guys send Orange y'all's best wishes they taking a break, but dw their fine :D )

"Man, I liked this shirt too." Tommy reached for his back and cut open the back of the shirt to let out his wings. People immediately ran to look at them.

Chapter 50: Popularity

"Can we touch them??" Someone asked. Tommy hesitated, and he stretched out his wing span to cover Y/n, people barely even noticed them as they were distracted by the bright feathers.

(F/E/N: uhm no, horny bird-)

"Uh I'd rather you not but sure go ahead." Tommy sighed while people ran, touching and ruffling his feathers.

Tommy turned to Y/n with a nervous look.

(F/E/N: horny bird rip. Guys all spam 'rip' in comments. One 'rip' = one untouched feather (:[ )

(A/n: Rip.)

"I just washed my feathers too." He groaned quietly. Y/n snickered as he just sat there, allowing people to sway from conversation.

"How did you get your powers??" Someone asked. Tubbo almost choked on his sandwich.

"Did you not read the documentary?" Ranboo asked. The person just meekly shook their head no.

"Someone tell them." Y/n said. People immediately turned to them, telling detail by detail what happened.

Just when Tommy didn't think things could get any worse, the bell rang. Tommy just kept his wings out.

Y/n kept close to Tommy. Luckily people didn't come up to them anymore, but this was a period where they would be separated, so Y/n wasn't very chuffed about that.

Luckily they already went through 3 periods without Tommy, so this one shouldn't be too hard. Right after would be PE, and they would be back with Tommy. Y/n sighed to themselves, giving them a brief moment to calm down before waving bye to Tommy.

Y/n walked into the class nervously. People looked up and stared.

They had a new seating chart, fucckkkkkkk.

"It's only tech class, it's only tech class." Y/n said, taking deep breaths before sitting down.

"Hey you good?" Someone said. Y/n jumped. Luckily, it was just Quackity.

"Yeah I'm fine, haven't seen you in a while." Y/n said, relieved they sat next to someone they knew.

"Oh Puffy and the others were telling me what's been going on, just wanted to see how you were doing." Quackity smiled. Y/n nodded as the class started.

"I saw Tommy earlier." Quackity whispered to Y/n. They turned towards Quackity and whispered back.

"Was he alright?" Y/n whispered back. Quackity stuck out his hand and symbolized "half". Y/n was intrigued and leaned in to whisper.

"Why, what happened?" Y/n asked, concerned. Someone shushed them.

"Bunch of girls were hitting on him, they roped him somewhere but I didn't follow." Quackity said. Y/n let out a sigh of relief.


"He will be ok, I trust him." Y/n said. Quackity raised an eyebrow.

Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now