35: New Suits P2

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Get bilzoned, your mother called me on her cellphone. Yeah she's got my voice as her ringtone. These gamers got sent to the ozone, married the grind you got friendzoned. Billy shit.


Tubbo lifted the suit, to show Tommy's new bomber jacket.

It had similar goggles to Y/n's. And the popular gas mask from his original suit.

He had a black suit underneath, which had occasional red lines through them as a unique taste. His bomber jacket was black with a red pattern and his sneakers were black and red.

He wore a patch of a red feather on his jacket, and his tool belt had basic necessities like the others.

Tommy gasped at the textures and new designs, it had been a much better improvement from before.

"These are fucking amazing Tubbo!!" Tommy said. Tubbo smiled proudly, he then shoved him toward the last box.

"And here is mine." He said, opening it.

Chapter 35: New Suits P2

"We have a jet pack, this time molded to look like wings." He stated. He then picked it up to show the bee wing patterns and the gadgets in the pack.

"It has a secret compartment, and it's a grappling hook, since I'm the only one here without super powers." Tubbo added. Everyone marveled at the cute designs and amazing tech.

"Here's my jacket, and look! Honey combs!!" Tubbo picked up a black puffer jacket with a yellow honey comb pattern. He then showed his black suit with yellow stripes, similar to Tommy's.

"That's pretty much it for mine, and then the goggles and mask like you guys." Tubbo added, placing it back into the box.

(F/E/N: Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it Ra1n pls draw it.)


"How in the world did you do this is like a week?" Ranboo asked, still holding up his suit in amazement.

"Kristin did the work, I just designed!!" Tubbo said proudly. Y/n quickly hugged Tubbo and went back to marveling at their suit.

"Wait, what's this?" Y/n asked, pointing to a small logo of a dream catcher.

"Oh it's our logo, 'the Dream catchers'" He glorified running his hand across the air in a curved direction.

(F/E/N: Y e s. I love so much I love)

"That's clever." Y/n laughed. Tubbo nodded happily.

"We should suit up, we leave at sundown." Y/n added. Tommy looked at Y/n with determination.

"They're right, we'll discuss later." Ranboo added as they walked towards separate rooms to change.


Y/n peered at the suit in the mirror, the measurements fit quite nicer than Y/n expected. However, they did wish it was a bit more merciful on the waist.

Y/n sighed and pushed their back against the bathroom wall. They were trying not to panic, it was a big day.

Their plan was to get past security and police to download the files to Dream's old computer. But it was all too nerve recking.

Y/n stood up and washed their face quickly. It wasn't a time for panic. This was important.

As Y/n stepped out, they noticed Tommy stepping out as well.

"Wow you look like some Greek warrior." Tommy mocked. Y/n rolled their eyes playfully.

(F/E/N: QwQ A-Ariadne)

(A/n: we do not speak of their name in this house!! YOU HEAR ME!!)

"I was going to say you look good, but since we are being rude to each-" Y/n was cut off by Tommy planting a kiss on Y/n's cheek.

"Oh hush." Tommy said. He knew Y/n just wanted to make Tommy feel bad. He chuckled in amusement by his attempt to stun Y/n. It was a success.

Y/n snapped out of it and reached to lightly hit Tommy's wing, he lightly fluffed his feathers at them.

They exchanged a laugh and walked downstairs for the others. Tommy noticed Y/n's disheveled expression.

"What's on your mind?" Tommy asked. Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" They inquired. Tommy looked at them unamused.

"You know what I mean." Tommy said. Y/n huffed, almost giving in.

"It's my powers." Y/n stated. Tommy sat down on the couch and signaled for them to sit next to him.

(F/E/N: I know this is a very big moment, but Tom. I. Am. Your. Father. May the 4thce be with you)

"I haven't used them in a while, at least not violently, and when I do it's very subtle. I know this mission is big, but I don't want to use the power that makes me a monster." Y/n said, staring at their pale cold hands. Tommy quickly grabbed a hold of one and intertwined their fingers. His hands were much warmer.

"Believe me, you're not a monster. Neither is Ranboo, or me. We are human, but we are different in our own. Don't let it get to you." Tommy said with full sincerity. Y/n huffed hot air and turned to face Tommy.

"It's just weird, I resulted to combat all my life, and I've only ever used my powers twice since we met. And even then it was subtle. I just don't want to fuck it up I guess." Y/n admitted. Tommy slightly squeezed Y/n's hand and gave them a warm smile.

"Don't worry, we got this." Tommy said cheerfully. Y/n gave a warm smile. He was right.

(F/E/N: don't die bcuz I will literally have another heart attack, ok bye guyssssssssss Ra1n I'm literally going to cry if u make one of them die but bye guysssssssssss)

(A/n: hehheheheheheh)

"Thanks Toms." Y/n said. Tommy gently hit them with his wing, Y/n laughed, pushing it away as Tommy laughed in amusement.

"No problem." Tommy smiled, lightly kissing Y/n. Their kiss was ruined as they heard footsteps come down from the stairs. It was Tubbo and Ranboo.


(F/E/N: who wants to make bets with me in the comment section for who it is bcuz I bet- wait and find out)

Burnout moment, I'm so fucking tired. I would take a break but I've taken way too many.

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 1241


Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang