8: Training

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CHARACTER DESIGNS GO BRRRRRRRRR, here are my ideas. I'm still working on things so leave me alone. Also I'm really lazy lol, but anyway enjoy my lovelies.



After the day ended Y/n walked with Tommy.

(F/E/N: Night you need to edit your chapters buddy 💀 I got urs this time)

(A/n: lmao)

"Hey can you come over today?" Tommy asked. Y/n checked the time.

"No sorry, I have a lot of chores. But maybe tomorrow?" Y/n suggested. Tommy nodded sadly.

"Alright, well have fun with chores." Tommy joked. Y/n rolled their eyes.

"Bye Toms!!" Y/n waved as Tommy walked into his house. They waited until he was out of sight to take out their phone.

Report #5
The boy further proves my suspicions.

They shoved the phone in their pocket and walked off.

Chapter 8: Training

Ranboo didn't touch most of his food. Although he was extremely starving, he didn't dare to raise even a fingernail on it.

He stared at the wall, quietly thinking to himself. He wanted to run away, but he had no where else to go.

As he blundered and thought he heard the door open. He slightly jumped in his seat but soon realized it was Y/n.

This put him at ease.

"Hey, it's training time." Y/n said, pointing a wooden sword towards him; Ranboo reached out to touch it. And once he did he stood up to follow Y/n.

The door shut behind them. Ranboo shuddered as he saw the guards walk by and the white lights glare on his skin.

Y/n led him into a huge room, one with weapons lined neatly along the walls. And armor glistening in the artificial light than shown from above.

Ranboo looked around at every piece of equipment.

"I know. It's confusing, isn't it?" Y/n said, handing Ranboo a sword. It was made out of heavy wood, and Ranboo struggling to carry it.

"Don't worry the actual swords aren't that heavy. They just make you train with heavier ones, if you can swing that one without hesitation you'll be a murderer with a steel sword." Y/n said, picking up a wooden one identical to the one they gave Ranboo.


3 Weeks Later


Ranboo swung at Y/n, which they quickly dodged. Y/n swung towards his neck but was caught by Ranboo's sword.

He thrusted Y/n back, but they luckily caught themselves in a steady stance. Y/n pounced forward lunging at him with their sword.

Ranboo blocked it but Y/n's strength inches closer to his face. But Ranboo had another trick, he teleported behind Y/n. However, Y/n caught his sword with a pivot from their quick and quiet thinking.

"You're getting better at this." Y/n scoffed. Ranboo smiled and pushed the sword out of his way. He swung at their waist but Y/n once again blocked it.

After a while of dodging, Y/n swung at his feet, catching him mid run. In an attempt to jump back, Y/n quickly grabbed his sword. Y/n positioned their sword behind his neck and the other over his throat.

"4-0." Y/n smiled.

"How do you always beat me?" Ranboo pouted as Y/n let him go.

"You've gotten better though. I've seen a lot of improvement." Y/n smiled, putting away the wooden swords.

"You're just saying that to cheer me up." Ranboo rolled his eyes. Y/n smiled and ruffled his sweaty dirty blond hair. Which sent Ranboo into a chuckle.

"I'm not, you're just overreacting. You could wipe out most of the guards here, that's for sure." Y/n joked. Ranboo smiled and sat up. He was much taller than Y/n, But to them Ranboo was a little brother.

"Alright I have to head home." Y/n said, patting his back. Ranboo nodded.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow!" Ranboo smiled, taking off the braces on his hands.

"Yup, see you!!" Y/n waved as the door closed behind them.

Ranboo sighed, sitting back down and resting his back on the wall. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and grabbed a sword from the wall.


Y/n walked home. It was getting dark, but they knew they would be fine. It wasn't anything they haven't done before.

Y/n noticed someone walking past them, they seemed to be holding something. They stopped next to Y/n.

"What's a doll like you walking alone at night?" He said, yanking on Y/n's jacket. Y/n quickly slapped his hand.

"Avoiding you lot during the day." Y/n growled. The man chuckled and pulled Y/n in.

He grabbed their face.

"Watch your tone!" He said, throwing Y/n's face to the side. He obviously was a drunk.

He lifted his hand, balling it into a fist. Y/n was ready for a fight.

But someone quickly jumped down and quickly pushed the guy back. This mystery man held him up in the air, striking fear into his eyes.

"I WAS JUST JOKING, PLEASE PUT ME DOWN." He yelled, clawing at the hand on his collar.

"Go run home, pick yourself up. You're pathetic." The guy said, throwing him down on the floor. His voice was modified with a voice changer.

The creep quickly got up and ran.

This new hero turned around. He had a gas mask on, which most likely was where his voice changer was located. He had goggles, but his most noticeable things were huge red feathers that peaked from his back. 

"Are you ok?" He asked. He hesitated as he talked.

"I would have been fine." Y/n scoffed. The guy stepped back, spreading his wings.

"Stay out of trouble." He said, before swinging his wings, quickly elevating himself into the night sky. Where he vanished.

A soft red father dropped.

Something was off about him.


Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 998


Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora