51: Parents

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Sup I'm back

Tommy climbed out the window. He looked behind him nervously before jumping down onto the soft grass that was the front of the house. Y/n extended their hand out to him.

"Is your wing still broken?" Y/n asked. Tommy shook his head no.

"Can you fly me up?" Y/n asked excitedly, Tommy took a moment to process but nodded.


Chapter: Parents

"Sure yeah hop o-" Tommy was caught off guard as Y/n already hopped onto Tommy's back. He chuckled and grabbed a hold of Y/n's legs.

"Hold on tight!" He said before opening his wings and flying upward. Tommy followed the directions on Y/n's phone until they found a small little house along the streets.

(F/E/N: just woke up, so. naturally the 1st thing to do is edit)

It was a one story small house. There was a pretty apple tree by the front yard, and a bench on the front porch.

EAT ONE SMALL MEAL TODAY! Don't have to be a lot but eat or drink something plsss)

Tommy set Y/n down. They peered from behind a bush at the family. Y/n saw as a young boy, who was maybe 6 or 5, walked out of the house with a small stuffed reindeer. Y/n saw as their mother walked out behind him.

She barely looked a day older from what Y/n remembered, coming from behind her was a younger girl, she was maybe 3 or 2 since Y/n's dad was carrying her. Y/n walked out from behind the bush and started to walk towards them, they were getting buckled into the car when they noticed Y/n walking towards them.

The kids had already been strapped into the car while Y/n's mom and dad were standing out, peering over at Y/n.

It took them a moment before their mother covered their mouth in shock, Y/n's dad squinted as he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Is that Y/n?" Their dad said; Tommy followed quietly behind Y/n as they slowly walked towards their parents with tears pooling in their eyes.

(F/E/N: and then stabbed them-)

They shared an embrace. Y/n choked on their tears as their dads hug tightened. Y/n's mom ran over to join the hug, once they pulled away from their loving embrace, Y/n's mother held their face in her hands.

"You've grown up so much since we last saw you, mind me asking, where is Cal?" Their mother said; they looked around, however they spotted Tommy instead. He waved with an awkward smile.

"This must be the boyfriend, oh- he is tall." Y/n's mother teased, while Y/n's father just marveled at Y/n's maturity.

"Nice jawline, pretty eyes, healthy hair. I think we've got a winner." She said, pulling Tommy into a hug. He chuckled and hugged her back.

(F/E/N: hEaLthY hAir? BIT- swear jar, swear jar, shit. HEALTHY HAIR??? MA'AM BE GLAD HEAS ALIVEEEEE. UNLIKE YO SON.)

(A/n: Dam)

"Awww I can't get over my child, just look at them." She said, turning to look at Y/n's dad. He nodded approvingly.

"Also what is with the wings, and bandaids?" Their dad asked. Tommy tightened up.

"I'm just playing, we watched the news, would you guys like to come inside?" Y/n's mother asked. Tommy nodded happily while Y/n declined.

"I came here to see my family, I've missed you guys but I don't think you know yet." Y/n said. They turned towards Y/n in shock.

"Yes honey?" Their dad said. Y/n took a deep breath.

"Cal, he died. He has been gone." Their eyes widened. Y/n's head lowered while Tommy walked over to comfort them.


"We feared that was the truth, we held a funeral for the both of you. They told us you both died due to a sickness. I'm glad to have at least one of you back, you look so much like him too." Y/n's mother smiled, holding back solemn tears.

They had a group hug once more before Y/n's dad looked up to see Tommy awkwardly standing around. He motioned to come join but Tommy nervously refused until Y/n's dad pushed him to join.

(F/E/N: some of us have ANXIETY, GeRald.)


They chatted some more before they went off to say their goodbyes. Y/n's parents promised to visit, while Tommy and Y/n decided to walk back they chatted.

"They seemed to like you." Y/n teased, elbowing Tommy. He chuckled.

"Runs in your family apparently." Tommy said, pretending to flip his hair. Y/n rolled their eyes before laughing.


"Also, what happened to your "dad"?" Tommy asked. Y/n almost choked on air.


(A/n: he's the agent that was abusive to Y/n in the beginning of the book, you call yourself and og 🙄)

"Oh, when we uncovered files I found files of him deliberately cheating on his wife, committing tax fraud, and got his ass for working at the facility as a spy." Y/n said proudly. Tommy laughed and ruffled Y/n's hair.


Once they got back they saw Wilbur standing by the doorway, disappointedly snacking on a biscuit.

(F/E/N: you know, maybe I've come to terms with this.)

"You fucking sly dogs." Wilbur began to scold the two of them .

"Wilbur are you aware I can fucking kill you with a bat of my wing?" Tommy threatened. He rolled his eyes.

"And I can take your friend and s/o privileges away." Wilbur mocked. Tommy groaned and walked upstairs.


"But Willll!" Tommy groaned walking towards his room. Y/n followed behind stifling a chuckle.

"I'm not getting my ass beat cause you can't lay down for two minutes." Wilbur said, Y/n snickered as he flipped him off before closing the door behind him.

"This is your fault." Tommy said, pointing at Y/n. They pushed his finger away.

"Pointing is rude Thomas." Y/n scolded. Tommy furrowed his brow and crossed his arms.

"You're an arsehole." He said; his voice always peaked when he was upset.

"I suppose I should still thank you for flying me to my parents house." Y/n said, rolling their eyes playfully. Tommy tried to pretend to still act mad but couldn't help but show a blush.

"You haven't said thank you yet." Tommy grumbled. Y/n laughed and gave him a slight peck on the cheek.

"Oh come on, you gotta do better than that." He said, throwing his hands in the air. Y/n laughed and pulled him into a sweet kiss that wasn't too long but not too short.

"Is that better crybaby?" Y/n teased. He rolled his eyes despite his face being red as a tomato.


Hope you enjoyed!!!

I liked writing this chapter, it was actually pretty fun. I'm on a streak currently tho so yeeeee.


(A/n: nah)

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 1241



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