33: New Suits

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Sup. Sam action.


Y/N took a deep breath as they walked into Tubbo's room. His parents weren't home, which was the perfect time to discuss.

"Ok, I've made some adjustments. Since someone destroyed my last suits, I've made tweaks and upgrades along the way," Tubbo said, taking out shoe box after shoe box to demonstrate the amount of effort he put into this project.

Chapter 33: New Suits

"So what's new, big man?" Tommy asked, squatting down to touch the box. Tubbo swatted his hand away.

"Don't touch. I don't want anything to be revealed yet." Tommy sulked as he rubbed his hand. Y/N snickered while Ranboo stayed intrigued.

"Let's start off with Ranboo," Tubbo announced. He pulled out a body tight suit. It was half black and half white. The two parts seemed to fizzle into each other like pixels. It sure was a sight for sore eyes.

(SFEN: I misread it and thought he just straight up brought out a dead body)

"Oh wow," Ranboo said. It was very light weight and it had a hood too.

"Oh that's not all." Tubbo smirked, pulling out a matching leather jacket. Ranboo lit up with delight.

"These are amazing, what the fuck!"Tommy exclaimed in shock. He admired the leather jacket and the design.

"Kristin is amazing at sowing!" Tubbo added. Y/N could imagine Kristin making these clothes with great precision.

"Light weight for fast travel, leather jacket is good for compartments. I know you're a gun guy, cause..." Tubbo paused, clearing his throat before continuing.

"American, I've got a matching black belt with a survival kit and other useful items. There's also a vial of Kristin's magic medicine," Tubbo finished as he handed Ranboo the mask and glasses.

"Night vision, heat signatures, and gps. The mask has a voice changer, gas mask, and it looks cool." Everyone awed at the equipment.

(SFEN: that's what the point of the mask is 😊)

(A/n: stop)

"Ok shut up you two, let me show you Y/N's suit." Everyone stayed as silent as humanly possible as Tubbo reached for another box.

"I liked the whole deadly emperor vibes your old suit gave off...but it was missing the 'Tubbo touch of fashion.'" Tubbo stated proudly. He pulled out their suit and held it out for everyone to see.

It was patented with hard armor. The chest, elbows, knees, everywhere needed was layered with protection. It was a nice thick black polyester material. It had purple drapes around the legs, originally from the old suit.

It had a center gem which was surrounded by armor as well. Tubbo revealed it to be glow in the dark, as a funny element.

He attached magnets in the backs of the suit along with magnets attached to Y/N's swords, to make an easy attach and detach when needed.

"Holy shit Tubbo, how did you manage this?" Y/N asked, admiring the work. Tubbo smiled proudly.

"It's what happens when you're friends with a goddess. Technically I presented the ideas, Kristin made it happen," Tubbo explained. Y/N knew he was really happy of the way it turned out.

"She's like our mom at this point," Y/N said, laughing. Tubbo took a moment to think.

"Wait, you, Tommy and Ranboo all don't have mums!" Y/N and the others burst into laughter at their realization.

"Wowww, aren't you lucky to not have mommy issues?" Y/N joked. Tommy heaved over laughing while Ranboo patted his back to prevent him from choking.

(SFEN: I thought Ranboo was patting his own back and had a bad image of a springy twisty arm being creepy and patting his back

"Mumza," Tommy said seriously. Y/N laughed.

"Philza is Dadza and Kristin is Mumza," Y/n added. Everyone laughed at the new nicknames for their beloved friends. However, Tubbo still had much more to get through.

"Oh, here's your mask and goggles. Same thing as Ranboo's, but made to match your outfit a little better," Tubbo commented, handing the mask to Y/N.

"Belt with tools and stuff, and a ring of poison darts. Just pinch one off and stab, I'll give 5 to each of you guys later," Tubbo promised and held up a small bracelet with what looked like sewing needles.

"And finally, we go on to Tommy, the big man himself," Tubbo said, bringing over a box.

He lifted the suit up.

(SFEN: dun dun dun)

Short again but I'm zooming.

Much love to editor: brigHt_orange_juIce

Word count: 757


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