54: Quality Time

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Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy im totally not writing this after balling my eyes out crying. :)

But heh funny minecraft man with chat.


Tommy was fast asleep on Y/n's lap as Y/n was scrolling through their phone and messages, their fingers through his golden hair. Y/n noticed a couple curls of pure white hair, ever since the fight with Dream Y/n noticed these white strands of hair.

Y/n fiddled with the curl and noticed as a silky golden hair strand slowly turned white. Y/n was fascinated by this.

They continued to hum and run their fingers through his hair after this observation.


Chapter 54: Quality Time

Tommy also kept his wings out around the house more often, which was a blessing and a curse. He often would knock things over without noticing, and the feathers left behind were excessive. Also he loved to "accidentally" hit people in the face with his huge wings.

(F/E/N: me vibes)

However Tommy was way more comfortable around Tubbo, Ranboo, Y/n and Wilbur. Of course with Phil and Mumza, but he wasn't very happy when people asked him to show his wings.

Of course though, if he saw Y/n was in distress he would distract cameras and recorders from Y/n, an example of this:


Y/n's POV:

(A/n: I know right, finally author did something other than third person *eyeroll*)

(F/E/N: dont eye roll, i love 3rd person.)

(A/n: aha thanks luv.)


Tommy and I had decided that Saturday morning to walk out to a local park and sit while the air was cool and before the hot sun beamed on us.

We stopped by a wooden bench in the middle of the park to chat and hang out.

Tommy sat drinking a Coca Cola, which to be frank I had no idea where he had gotten it. I was sipping on hot cocoa from a nearby shop around the corner.

"Well isn't this romantic?" I teased, poking at Tommy's side. He chuckled and squirmed away from my tickles.

"Finally we get some privacy, we haven't gotten a single day off." Tommy huffed. I nodded in agreement, it had been stressful to be a normal human being these past days.

I leaned my head against Tommy's shoulder. It wasn't so much of a romantic move but it was simply my exhaustion that caused me to close my eyes and rest on his shoulder.

Tommy smiled and with the arm he had around me, he pushed me closer to keep me warm as the cold made the air bitter.

"OH THEY LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!" A group of girls squealed, taking photos and taking videos.

(F/E/N: BITCH BACK TF OFF NO HELL NAW. Gunna be honest, if I saw something like this, i would love to squeal like that. I wouldn't obviously, but I'd love too. I would still ask for a picture if it was this universe and it was Tommy tho)

I lifted my head and huffed a tired breath. They ran up to me pointing their cameras asking me to say things and asking to take pictures. It was all a little too much for me, it was overwhelming in a sense.

Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now