7: Paint

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I'm experimenting still with character designs, but I really like this drawing so here. Also the mask (THATS WHAT THE MASK IS) and the stance 🧍‍♀️ boutta make me blush.

Anyways enjoy!!


The alarms blared as Ranboo woke up. He grabbed at his head, slightly yanking on his hair.

He panted, trying to hide his fear. he was in a strange place with no one.

(SFEN: panted 🥵)

(A/n: what. the. fuck.)

He sat up on the bed, pushing up to rest his back on the wall. He rubbed his eyes. He had barely gotten any sleep.

Ranboo looked around, trying to comprehend what was going on. He wanted to find his mom, but he wanted to get out of this place, more specifically.

He recalled what Y/N said. He tried calming down, which slightly worked.

He heard a buzz and the sound of someone opening the door. He shot up. For some reason, he seemed to be closer to the door that he remembered.

It was a guard with food.

Ranboo grabbed his shirt collar.



"Where am I!" he yelled. The guard didn't flinch. They were like stone, unmoving.

Ranboo grabbed the plate of food, and stared at the fruit and other foods he didn't recognize. He turned around to find the guard gone.

"Ok, for now we'll give each partner time to do their project. We'll have a total of 4 days in class to make the project," the teacher said. Tommy silently celebrated as he turned towards Y/N.

"Don't get too excited, we still need to do the project." Y/N chuckled. Tommy's excitement turned into disappointment.

Tommy tried to contribute to the project but Y/N did most of the work. Y/N grabbed the paint and slowly dotted some spots that were missing.

"Can I see the paint?" Tommy asked. Y/N nodded and pushed the bottle towards him.

"What if I chugged it?" Tommy joked. Y/N turned around and snatched it from him.

"Do not eat the paint!" they said sternly, dipping the brush and focusing on the project.

Tommy pouted and watched them as they worked. Y/N turned and saw his expression.

Y/N dipped their finger in the paint and placed it on Tommy's cheek.

"WHAT THE FU - " He caught himself as he realized everyone was looking. Y/N held in a laugh.

"You said you wanted the paint." Y/N chuckled. Tommy rolled his eyes and stuck his finger in the paint. He placed a single dot on their face.

"Ok, that's uncalled for," Y/N said. Tommy laughed to himself.

"It's even now," he said proudly. Y/N rolled their eyes and placed more paint on his face.


"HEY!" he exclaimed, trying to rub it out, but that only made it worse.

Tommy grabbed some paint and smudged it on Y/N's face. Y/N did the same to him.

They laughed until they realized the teacher was staring right at them.

"Oh sh - hi Mr. Simons." Y/N waved, slightly embarrassed. Tommy hid his face.

"Give me the paint," the teacher demanded. Y/N handed the paint to the teacher.

"Now the both of you go clean up!" he said. They both nodded and got up to clean up.

They both held in laughs as they walked out the classroom.

They split up once they got to the restrooms but once they both came out they burst into laughter.

(SFEN: is there a nb one there? Neat I gotta make sure Lor switches to that school)

(A/n: r/ I had a stroke)

"Oh my fucking god." Y/N laughed. Tommy laughed too, holding his side as they walked through the halls.

"Hey you missed a spot," Y/N said licking their finger and rubbing his cheek where the paint was. Tommy's face flushed bright red.

(SFEN: im an alpha male wolf rawr bow down to ur alpha good girl uwu SJSHHY)

(A/n: I'm going to have to put you down, I am so sorry.)

"There you go," they said happily, slightly patting where the paint was.

"Thanks," Tommy replied nervously. Y/N nodded and they carried on walking.

(A/n: fun fact: they say high school sweethearts never work out. My parents were high school sweethearts and they are still together (healthily of course). Anything's is possible.)

(SFEN: no one loves me :>)

(A/n: oh god I'm sorry 🧍‍♀️)

Tommy was silent as he tried to calm down his blushing face.

"On the bright side, we did finish our project!" Y/N said proudly. Tommy nodded.

"Wait - we did?" Tommy asked. Y/N nodded.

"We'll technically I did, but that's besides the point." Y/N laughed. Tommy glared at them and protested.

"HEY! I helped a little!" he objected.

"Yeah, you helped make this mess!" Y/N  laughed. Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Weren't you the one who started it?!?" he said. Y/N shook their head.

"Not how I remember it." Tommy rolled his eyes otra vez.

"Wow, always pin the blame on Tommy," he grumbled. Y/N smiled and softly bumped Tommy with their shoulder.

Tommy chuckled and bumped them back. Y/N smiled and did it again, but this time she noticed a red feather flutter from his jacket.

(SFEN: lebron aajesm)

Y/N picked it up, deciding to ask him about it.

(SFEN: im high, shawty; why dont you take me the rest of the way up to heaven)

"Why did this fall out of your jacket?" they asked, inspecting the feather. Tommy yanked it from their hand and shoved it in his pocket.

"No reason," he said nervously. Y/N didn't ignore this but didn't want to raise any stigma with Tommy.

Once they walked into the class, they sat next to their project and chatted until the bell rang.


Heheh the story slowly evolves. Anyway enjoy!!!!

Much love to editor: brigHt_orange_juIce

Word count: 1021


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