15: The Waitress

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Slimecicle, I'm not a big fan of the drawing but eh it's the gloopy boi.

Also for a little background. Orange (SFE) got suspended for not sending in their chapters.

They are grounded. For a week. So for now we only have Z as our editor.


"Popularity is kind of like a social hierarchy. The prettier, richer, or kinder you are determine how popular you are." Tommy said. Y/n understood.

(F/E/N: You're excluding the 'how sarcastic you are' :)

"Are you popular?" Y/n asked innocently. Tommy stared at them for a second before bursting out laughing.

"Don't worry, he's not." Eret joked. Y/n held in a laugh as Tommy rolled his eyes playfully.

Chapter 15: The Waitress

"But Tommy is nice. You guys confuse me." Y/n said, still a bit confused. Niki laughed at this and pestered Tommy until he blushed red.

"Oh come on, be nice to the boy." Someone said, walking over. Y/n looked up to see a guy in a blue adidas jacket, which was zipped up. He also wore a LAFD beanie, which hid his messy dark brown hair.

"Sup Quackity." Tommy said. Quackity laughed as he exchanged a quick hand shake with Tommy.

"Quackity? Is that your actual name?" Y/n asked. Niki shook her head.

"Actually his name is Alex, but his old ToonTown account that he had back in middle school was called that. Now we just make fun of him." Niki said. Quackity protested that the account wasn't entirely his, while the others laughed.


They all happily chatted, and soon Tubbo came and joined. Once the had school day ended, and Tubbo had said goodbye as they passed his house, Y/n and Tommy both chatted and slowly walked towards the coffee shop.

"Can't believe Tubbo ditched us." Tommy scoffed. Y/n smiled, as they knew well that Tubbo was setting them up.

"I saw you on the news." Y/n said, bumping Tommy with their hip. He chuckled and slightly nudged them back.

Y/n smiled, as they knew Tommy's face was flushed with embarrassment.

"Yeah? What did the news have to say about it?" Tommy said. Y/n looked up at him.

"They just went on and on about how great you are, blah blah. Nothing important really." Y/n joked. Tommy rolled his eyes playfully. Y/n barely noticed as the wind picked up, stinging Y/n's face as they walked down the pavement.

"Not important? Anyone can agree that I am amazing." Tommy joked proudly. Y/n smiled at his stupidity.

"I kinda wish I ran the other way when I bumped into you." Y/n joked, knowing it would send Tommy into a fit of protest. Which is exactly what happened.

Y/n didn't pay attention to what he said after, all they did was stare at his sky blue eyes.

They were so blue and vibrant that the evening sky would be jealous. He had peach fuzz, which, although made Tommy have a baby face, it also complemented his skin tone perfectly.

"Oh we are here." Tommy said as they sat down at one of the outdoor tables.

The shop was semi crowded, filled with couples and people who came to see the new shop.

However it seemed familiar.

(F/E/N: ??? Ra1n you just writing glitched-)

"What are you going to get?" Tommy asked. Y/n shrugged, as coffee and tea weren't a big thing for them. However, something caught their eye as they gazed over the menu.

"What is boba?" Y/n asked, pointing to cartoon boba drink on the page. Tommy held in a laugh.

"Are you joking?" Tommy laughed. Y/n glared at him.

"Cut the bullshit blondie and explain." Y/n joked. Tommy rolled his eyes, but cracked a smile.

"It's just like these sweet little orbs and shit. They put tea and stuff with it." Tommy explained. Y/n glanced at the menu one more time before pointing to an item on it.

It was a (whatever the fuck you want) boba.

(F/E/N: mhhh yes whatever the fuck you want boba my favorite.. IM SORRY I HAD TOO I REALLT DID- BUT NOW IT LOWKEY SOUDNS GOOD HELP-)

"You ready to order?" Tommy asked as he set the menu down for a response. Y/n nodded, to which Tommy responded with calling the waitress over.

"Hello, what can I get you?" The waitress said. Y/n realized it was the waitress from before. Y/n cleared their throat and spoke out their order.

The waitress wrote it down before looking at Y/n. A moment of awkward silence before the waitress burst into realization.


(A/n: don't you dare call me out.)

"You were the one who came in here, dazzling at that new hero? Good to see you back." The waitress poked. Y/n smiled while Tommy stared at them, dazed.

"You've been here before?" Tommy asked. Y/n shrugged, they were just as confused as Tommy.

"Well I'll get it up right for you honey, and what about the boyfriend." The waitress pointed towards Tommy. Y/n started choking on their own saliva, while Tommy stared, stunned. His face was painted red.

"Uh y-yeah I'll have a strawberry lemonade smoothie with boba please." Tommy stuttered. The waitress scribbled it down.

"Alright, anything else?" She asked politely. Y/n shook their head.

"I'll be right with you." She said before walking off. Tommy turned to face Y/n.

"Are you blushing?" Y/n teased. They had a sly smirk on their face.

"NO I AM NOT!" Tommy protested, although his bickering had caused his face to grow 10 shades redder.

"You totally are." Y/n joked. Tommy rolled his eyes and kept his mouth shut. However, his face was still redder than a ripe tomato.

The waitress came back with their drinks.

"Here you go hun..." She said, placing down their drinks.

"And here you go, for the boyfriend." She joked. Y/n knew she was setting this up just to get a reaction out of Tommy and Y/n. It was amusing however.

"Take a sip." Tommy said, pushing the drink towards Y/n. They nodded and quickly stabbed the straw into the plastic lid.

Y/n put it up to their mouth and slowly collected the gummy texture.

"Oh wow, this shit is good." Y/n gasped.

BEANER some kid came up to me and just yelled that. Love it here -_- 👍. Whoooo.

Anyway hope you enjoyed!!!

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 1111


Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن