42: Dream XD

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Y'all need Jesus, respectfully.

Enjoy!!! And for a little example how many chapters I'm ahead, it's the 28th that I am writing this. Now enjoy!!!


Ranboo leaped to the side, barely dodging a bullet. Dream kept shooting but Ranboo was able to dodge faster than the trigger blew. Dream shot again, hitting Ranboo in the shoulder. Pain shot up his arm but Ranboo had to keep fighting.

(SFEN: GO RANBOO DODGE THOSE BULLETS if he's shot again I'll cry)

(SFEN: DANGIT RA1N also I swear if he does end up sacrificing himself I will end time and space
Ranboo needs to get out of this situation by just turning back time and he would save his friends, why doesn't he? They could win but they barely killed one Dream, together. Yes, they would go back to the police but it's a lot better than a COLLAPSING UNIVERSE WITH FOUR DREAMS RANBOO)

Ranboo shot a couple bullets but each of them missed. He shot another hitting Dream just above the hip. Dream pushed forward with his gun ready, pointing at Ranboo's head.

(SFEN: no.)

Chapter 42: Dream XD

Ranboo shifted to the side pivoting to the other side of Dream. He pointed the gun at the back of his head. Dream threw up his hands.

(SFEN: you ain't innocent as crap Dream)

"Shoot me," Dream demanded. Ranboo had a glimpse of confusion.

(SFEN: shoot him he asked for it)

"What?" he asked, the gun still pointed steadily at Dream.


"Kill me. Just like your friend did." He nodded his head towards Y/N. They were wiping blood from their face. Ranboo watched as they pulled the sword out of their Dream's chest.

(SFEN: oh no they killed the bad guy YOUR POINT?)

Y/N turned to the side to see Ranboo's Dream smiling at Ranboo while Ranboo was distracted. Dream had a button in his hand. Y/N's eyes widened as he pressed it. His body started exploding, but, luckily, Y/N pushed Ranboo out of the way.


"Thanks Y/N," Ranboo said, attempting to get up. Y/N nodded.

"Help Tubbo, I need to help Tommy," they said, lending him a hand to lift him off the ground. He nodded with determination and took Y/N's hand to stand successfully.

During this, Tubbo was stuck doing hand to hand combat. He was constantly being pushed down as he tried his best to hit Dream.

A couple punches to the gut was enough to push him to the ground. Tubbo wasn't trained like Ranboo and Y/N, which is why he always felt useless.

He wouldn't let this fight prove that. He wasn't going down without a proper fight.

(SFEN: go Tubs!)

Tubbo had a secret weapon he had held off for a while. He pulled out a disk the shape of a honey comb from his pocket.

They were bombs, but he only had a handful of them. Once they were stuck to something it was nearly impossible to get them off before, boom.

Tubbo took one and threw it square at Dream's shoulder. He scratched at it before it blew up. Tubbo threw a couple more, one hitting Dream's leg and another blowing up the ground underneath him.


Dream dodged the others until Tubbo realized he was out of bombs.

"Fuck," Tubbo cussed, preparing himself to dodge as Dream readied an arrow. Tubbo tried to move out of the way but was hit on the shoulder by an arrow.

He yelped in pain. Dream walked over as Tubbo scrambled on the ground. He heard an explosion as Ranboo and Y/N were fighting.

He saw that he was useless. Everyone else had made progress, except for him, he thought.

(SFEN: DON'T YOU DARE THINK THAT we will give you hot cocoa until you feel better I promise I just got some sample ones that have 12 flavours, you wanna try raspberry? Cinnamon? Candy cane? Double chocolate? Your pick)

Tubbo was pinned to the ground as Dream stepped on him. Tubbo winced as he felt his body crunch under Dream's weight.

Ranboo was right behind Dream and reached over but he could barely move as he winced in pain. During the explosion he had hit his head, and blood trickled from his forehead into his mask.

Tubbos panicked as Dream grabbed an arrow and was ready to stab and kill Tubbo. Dream stabbed an arrow into Tubbo's leg. He yelled in pain and quickly was able to lift his arm and hit Dream in the leg.

Dream fell, the poison worked.


"Tubbo, are you ok?" Ranboo asked as Tubbo was on the ground. He huffed and due to the pain he fainted.

(SFEN: Ranboo's dude in distress)

Ranboo grabbed Tubbo away from the fight as Tommy and Y/N were fighting off XD.

Y/N was dodging every hit as fast as they could, but it was easier said than done.

Dream XD spread his wings and flew into the sky. Y/N was useless as soon as he did that. Y/N looked around and gathered metals and concrete to create wings on their back.

Dream XD laughed and opened his hand. Green lightning sizzled in the air. Tommy was on the ground, beaten. He had fought as hard as he could but his exhaustion caught up to him.


Y/N readied their swords and moved across the sky, dodging lightning and punches. Dream XD made the building around him shift and shoot at Y/N.

He managed to grab two walls and crushed them between Ranboo and Tubbo. Ranboo held his arms apart as he felt his bones cracking at every inch he moved the walls closer. Y/N ran and battled against Dream XD, using their powers to overrule Dream XD's powers.

(SFEN: 0. 0)

Tommy shuffled and grabbed an elephant toothpaste bomb from his belt and chucked it at Dreams face.

This caused him to become unbalanced and lose his grip on the walls, allowing Ranboo and Tubbo to be free.

Y/N huffed and looked towards Ranboo and Tubbo to see if they were ok. Ranboo gave a comforting nod.

(SFEN: that said 'Ranboo have a comforting nod' and honestly, true. They all need one)

Dream XD lowered to the ground and with a cocky smile as he aimed a lightning bolt at Y/N. Tommy acted fast and tackled Dream off the building. Y/N runs over to see them falling off the building.

Y/N looked back to see that the poison Tubbo inflicted on one of the Dreams was wearing off. Ranboo snd Tubbo were defenseless, but Tommy was falling to his death.

(SFEN: Ranboo, this is where you, y'know, wind back time so, y'know, your friends don't FREAKING DIE AND THE UNIVERSE DOESN'T FALL APART
When I called you a crumbly chicken nugget in Z's story I wasn't expecting to have to call you one here -)

Goddamn writing about fight scenes is hard. I had to come up with a bunch of ways just to make this story interesting lmao.

Much love to editor: brigHt_orange_juIce

Word count: 1250


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