17: Katana

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My friend was complaining that I don't draw Schlatt enough so I did. And now you can enjoy it too, I changed my artstyle a bit so don't worry it was just for the sake of schlatt's hotness.

Anyway enjoy!!


Guns (M'erica)


"Yes Tubbo?" Tommy asked picking up the phone. It was after school already and Tommy was finishing up his homework.

"OK I KNOW THIS IS SUDDEN!!" Tubbo yelled through the phone speaker, Tommy pushed it back as he blew his ears off.

"WHAT??!!" Tommy asked, concerned as to why his best friend was yelling through the phone.

"THE VILLAINS FROM LAST TIME!! THEY ARE STEALING FROM THE BANK ON VINCENT AVE." Tubbo yelled, Tommy jot up and threw on his suit.

Chapter 17: Katana

"I'll be on it!!" Tommy yelled before bolting out the door, he made sure the sight was clear before spreading his wings and gliding into the air.

"Is there any other information?" Tommy asked as he soared through the sky, letting the cold afternoon breeze hit his face.

"They have guns and swords, it's the same two people from last time. And they have a hostage." Tubbo chimed, Tommy flew down and into the bank.

He tiptoed through broken glass and shattered wood. Security sure did put up a fight, but the knocked out men on the floor showed otherwise.

Tommy walked towards the center where he saw nothing. It seemed to be deserted, the silence pierced through his ears.
He heard a muffled cry towards a closed door. Tommy quickly opened it to see a woman kept in ropes and muzzled with a shirt in their mouth.

Tommy ran down to quickly untie her.
"Are you ok ma'am?" Tommy asked quickly, undoing the ties and knots.
She merely nodded as her fear set in, Tommy held her by the arm so she could keep balance.

"Are there any more hostages?" Tommy whispered, the lady shrugged.

"I'm not sure, everyone fled but I was caught in the action." She quivered as she talked, Tommy escorted her outside before running back in.

He checked every door and every crevice until he reached the main office.

There was standing Y/n. Of course in their suit and Ranboo, who stood beside them, admiring antique paintings.

(B/E/N: lmao my phone still hasn't processed that Ranboo is a name I use daily, it keeps autocorrecting to Rambo)

"Good to see you're finally here." Y/n scoffed, Tommy readied his fists and wings.

"You're fists won't do anything, pretty bird." Y/n chuckled, Tommy glared at them as they walked over to him.

"What do you want?" Tommy asked sternly, Y/n cupped his face, admiring his mask.

"You are dumb for such a handsome hawk." Y/n joked, Ranboo tried to play in character but wasn't sure what exactly was about to go down.

"Enough flirting. What is it?" Tommy asked pushing their hand away.

"Simple. You." Y/n said, Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Ranboo." Y/n said turning to him.
"Hand me that sword from the wall." Y/n pointed to a katana perched neatly on the wall.

Ranboo teleported towards it and back to Y/n to hand it to them.

"This is a warning." Y/n said grabbing him by the collar.

"I'm not here for you. But someone else is, someone beyond your power. I'm merely a messenger." Y/n whispered to him before pushing him aside.

"Now. Let's dance." Y/n said handing him the katana and readying their swords.
"What do you mean!!" Tommy asked as he blocked Y/n sword that slashed towards him.

"It means I'm helping you." Y/n said pressing the sword against his neck. Tommy blocked them away, pushing them to stand in front of him.

"This doesn't seem like help." Tommy scoffed, Y/n looked towards Ranboo.
"You don't trust me do you?" Y/n asked, Tommy furrowed his brow as he kept his stance strong.

"Of course not, you've stolen several things and kept a damn hostage! What makes you think I would trust you?" Tommy asked, Y/n handed the sword to Ranboo.

"Then stab me." Y/n said standing in front of him.

"If I was so 'bad' or people would even quote a 'villain'. Then kill me." Y/n said, Ranboo stretched out to help them but Y/n held him in place with a flick of a finger.
"You're crazy." Tommy said pushing the katana toward them. Y/n scoffed.

"Thank you, any compliment is better than normal." Y/n smirked. Tommy took a moment to think.

"Fine. I trust you." Tommy said throwing the sword down.

"The swords for slashing anyway. Would've been a slow death other wise." Y/n said levitating the sword up to back on the mount.

"So all this was to grab my attention?" Tommy asked, Y/n nodded.

"My job is to capture you. However my boss is a dick and I'm petty. You piece the two together." Y/n chuckled, Tommy stood confused as to what was truly going on.

Tommy opened his mouth to talk but was stopped when sirens blared from outside the bank.

"That's my cue." Y/n sighed. Y/n walked back to Ranboo.

"Good luck pretty boy." Y/n saluted with a wink before Ranboo teleported off.

"How do we explain this to the boss?" Ranboo asked, Y/n shrugged.

"We could say he held us at gunpoint if we moved so you retaliated and teleported." Y/n suggested, Ranboo sighed and realized they were in the middle of a park.

"We should get back to the labs. People will recognize us." Y/n said holding on to Ranboo so they could teleport.

Ranboo waited a moment as he marveled at the laughing children. He noticed a mother, most likely 40 years or so.

"Hey! We are on a time crunch." Y/n said nudging Ranboo. He snapped back into realization and back to Y/n.

"Oh yeah sorry." He said before teleporting to their dorm.
"Ok I have homework and then we have training." Y/n said ruffling Ranboo's hair as they got their clothes and walked into the bathroom to change.

Ranboo chuckled.

"Alright 'boss'" Ranboo air quoted. Y/n rolled their eyes playfully before shutting the door behind them.

LGBT= Luigi got big tiddies

Much love to editor: NightFuckingSimp

Word count: 1069


Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now