18: Lies

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100th Tommy drawing!!

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Tommy ate his morning toast. He laughed as Wilbur walked over to ruffle the blonde's hair.

"Good morning," Wilbur said, throwing down mail he had picked up that morning.

"Good morning Will," Tommy replied as Wilbur walked over to make himself food. He grabbed a newspaper from the table, flipping through the rough pages.

Chapter 18: Lies

"Have you seen that new hero guy?" Wilbur asked, reading through a short article pointing to the masked vigilante.

"Oh yeah, the one with the wings?" Tommy questioned, signaling with his hands for a pair of wings. Wilbur nodded and looked back at the newspaper.

"A lot of controversy about him," Wilbur said, setting down the newspaper. Tommy almost spit out his milk that he had sipped on a few seconds earlier.

(SFEN: milk cocaine)

"What! Really?" Wilbur nodded.

(SFEN: i'm trying to listen to 21 pilots album scaled and icy and keep getting ads for a tour next year that we're too poor four, WHYYY)

"Yeah, some people say he's a saint. Like some angel. Others are saying he's the mastermind behind it all." Wilbur sighed. His train of thought came to a halt when the toaster spat out his toast. The warm scent of fresh toast filled the room.

"Shame." Wilbur grabbed the toast from the machine. He bounced the bread between his hand, forgetting it would be hot. "Dang it." He blew on it, taking a bite. "Someone actually tries to do good and instead the media thinks him to be some sort of poser."

"I guess you're right," Tommy mumbled, finishing off his own toast.

"Of course I'm right Tommy," Wilbur teased, ruffling his hair once more before walking towards his room.

"And by the way, I can see the glint in your eyes, be back by 10:00. I'll be in my room, so you know where to find me," Wilbur said before closing the door behind him.

Tommy stood up, quickly put his plate in the sink, and went outside for a stroll.

Y/N woke up with sweat trickling down their face. It was another one of those dreams, about Y/N's mom.

They shook it off and sat up. Looking around, they saw that Ranboo was gone. However, this wasn't out of the ordinary.

Y/N stood up to brush their teeth. They enjoyed the peaceful silence, but it was quickly broken by guards barging in.

Y/N turned around.

"Uh? What is going on?" they asked, the toothbrush hanging out the corner of their mouth. The guards grabbed Y/N by the arms and pushed them out the door.

Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now