55: Fever Dreams

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Ayyyyy wasss poppinnn? *Wilbur lip bite intensifies*


Tommy's face was grim. His eyes widened as he saw someone in the middle of the room, tied up, blood dripping down from their face. Tommy looked down at his hands, which were covered in blood...

He stepped toward the body, he reached out but stumbled back as the person moved. They lifted their head.

"Y/n?" Tommy said, wide eyed. His voice grew hoarse in horror he saw a blade next to them with a red and black grip and a silver blade covered in velvety blood that soaked into the white carpeted floor.



Chapter 55: Fever Dreams

His eyes pooled up and face burned, he could feel his body freeze up.

Tommy shot up, hyperventilating with sweat running down his forehead. Y/n opened their eyes and flung into action, they placed a hand on his back and lightly set him down back on the bed. Feathers were scattered all around the bed as if a bird was killed on that bed.

(F/E/N: I mean mentally...)

"Hey, hey, hey, just lay down. You're running a fever." Y/n said. placing a hand on his forehead. Tommy was burning up and his face was hot red.

Tommy mumbled under his breath furrowing his brow.

"I'm sorry." He repeated just below a whisper. Y/n didn't know what could have happened but they settled him down.

Y/n ran out to get an ice pack and lended Tommy their blanket, Y/n sat up making sure he was okay, he didn't seem too well and his mumbling was troubling to say the least. He had his wings wrapped around him like a blanket which made Y/n chuckle from time to time.

(F/E/N: Ra1n or someone in the comments draw this scene right now I need to see it)
(A/n: eh I'll think about it, too lazy rn.)

Y/n sat where he was, Tommy was able to open his eyes to see Y/n half asleep, making sure Tommy was okay.

Y/n smiled, noticing he was awake and patted their thighs for Tommy to rest his head. Y/n stroked his blond hair. The white had gotten worse, at least a fair amount of hair had turned white.

Tommy fell back asleep after moving positions. Y/n moved his head back to the pillow and curled up behind him with an arm around his waist for comfort.


That morning Y/n woke up to a shivering Tommy with snot rolling down his face pouring a steaming cup of tea covered head to toe in blankets.

Y/n sat up and ran over to Tommy, they helped him set the teapot down and the cups.

"You're supposed to be in bed, you're still super hot." Y/n said, placing a hand on his forehead.

"I know I am." He said. Y/n rolled their eyes and helped him lay back down on the bed.

"You are one blow away from collapsing, don't get too cocky." Y/n said. Tommy pulled the blanket up to his chin.

"Get some rest, I'll go ask mumza what's going on and I'll fill you in. I'll call the school saying we both are sick." Y/n said, picking up the tea and pouring it into the cup before setting it on the nightstand next to Tommy.

"Drink that, I bought that tea 2 days ago, it'll help with the congestion." Y/n said, Tommy put a thumbs up, sniffled and snuggled back under the blanket.

"Can I have a kiss?" Tommy asked as dribble was leaking from the side of his mouth, Y/n stared at him in disgust.

"No you'll get me sick." Y/n said. Tommy groaned and complained until Y/n sighed.

(F/E/N: preach. Those words have only ever spoken truth)

"Mk, only forehead kiss for now." Y/n said kissing him on his forehead, they slapped an ice pack on his forehead and walked away.

Tommy groaned, holding the cold pack up against his forehead as Y/n left the room.


Wilbur was pressed up against the doorway drinking his morning coffee, half asleep.

"Is he doing alright?" Wilbur asked, taking a sip of the hot beverage. Y/n swayed their hand showing "middle."

"He just likes to overreact, you know how he is." Y/n explained. Wilbur chuckled as they heard a buzz come from Y/n's phone.

They opened it to see a message from Tubbo.

"What does Tubbo want now?" Y/n sighed, opening the message. It read.


Me and Ranboo are going to the mall today, wanna come? Bring Tommy as well

Y/n typed back.


Tommy has a fever, I'll ask him if he is ok enough for me to leave.

Tubbo's icon blinked until another message appeared.



Y/n stifled a laugh and shoved their phone back into their pocket. Wilbur sipped his coffee nonchalantly one more time before Y/n ran back upstairs to check on Tommy.

Tommy was fast asleep, Y/n wrote down a little note of teas he had to drink and where they were going before grabbing one of Tommy's hoodies and leaving.

Wilbur was in charge of taking care of him, hopefully he wouldn't kill Tommy before Y/n and the others get back.

(F/E/N: hmmm... doubtful)


The others walked into the mall going store to store. Y/n had made a need to find a gift for Tommy since he was in such a moody state lately, and it could be something to ease the waters while Tommy was in the motions of getting better.

Ranboo offered to help Tubbo buy some things he could disassemble for parts. Y/n set off by themselves to buy something.

Y/n stopped at clothing shops but didn't really find anything that would fit Tommy's bland taste in style, good thing Wilbur was influencing him with some music taste and actual aesthetic to go off of.

(F/E/N: This.)

Y/n stopped at a small store. Y/n looked in and it was a wielding store, where handmade jewelry and knives were made.

(F/E/N: Oo pog)

Y/n walked in and saw a knife that caught their eye, it would be a great fit for Tommy's style. It had a black and red grip, and a silver blade.



AYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cliffhanger, gotta wait until I stop being dum and actually post cause I forget and then remember and forgot again.

Hope thou enjoyed, much luv to you guys!! <3 And I'm writing this in detention so uhhhhh pog?

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word Count: 1046


Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now