19: Coward

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Drew some alivebur.


Ranboo grabbed one of the guards' guns and quickly knocked out the others. He ran over to Y/n and broke open the chain.

(F/E/N: DANG WHAT'D I MISS! Hey y'all I'm feeling sick on a 4 hour drive, making it worse by editing! How's y'all's day?)

"Did you actually tell?" Y/n said, wiping their face. Ranboo gulped before answering. He merely nodded.

(F/E/N: I- I did tell them you listened to Ed sheeran, I'm sorry)

"I'm sorry." He said. His eyes drooped as Y/n's expression turned to betrayal.

"But I can explain." Ranboo followed. Y/n huffed.

"No time. We need to save Tommy. Teleport there." Y/n said. They looked at the screen as Dream taunted Tommy with the scissors.

They phased behind Dream and reached out to grab him. But their hands phased right through him.

He turned around to laugh. "Fools. I'm a hologram." He smirked. The scissors vanished as if they weren't even real.

"We don't need you." Y/n said, flicking to unlatch Tommy. Tommy glared at Y/n.


(A/n: you missed a chapter. You have no idea.)

"You're forgetting one thing. I control you." Dream smiled. Y/n glared  at the hologram as a remote appeared.

(F/E/N: the person out of shot throwing things to Dream so he can look mysterious:  )

"I never installed a chip into Ranboo, but you however." Dream said, lifting the remote and hovering his finger over a button.

"This single button will shift your spine slightly, causing a nerve to pinch every time." Dream smiled, and he pressed on the button. Which sent an excruciating amount of pain into Y/n's back.

Y/n yelped, clawing at their back. The others watched in horror.

"YOU ASSHOLE." Y/n said, clawing at the hologram. But again, their hands phased through.

Chapter 19: Coward

"You could have been loyal. Now you must suffer pain." Dream said. He laughed as more guards marched in. Y/n clawed on the ground, reaching out for help. But Tommy and Ranboo couldn't do anything.

"Ranboo..." Y/n muttered between each shiver of pain.

"Take Tommy away from here." Y/n said, trying to slowly get up. They grabbed a gun from the floor from a recent guard that Ranboo knocked out.

"No! We can't leave you!" Tommy said, reaching out towards them.

"Go Tommy." Y/n said. Ranboo grabbed his arm as he struggled to reach for them.

And in a blink of an eye they were gone.

(F/E/N: dw titty lad will save us)


"YOU ASSHOLE!! TAKE ME BACK THERE." Tommy yelled as they appeared in a field. He banged on Ranboo's chest as Ranboo himself was stunned.

"I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen-" Ranboo was shaking as he talked.

"What do you mean by that?!!" Tommy said, glaring up at him. Ranboo stepped back, holding his face.

"WHY DID I DO THIS." He yelled, grabbing at his head and trying to choke back tears. Tommy's eyes went bloodshot as he came to realization.

Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα