25: On The Run

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Welcome to Season 2: On The Run

A beginning to an end. There will be 3 season I hope in the book, for now enjoy the show.

Also I'm trying to make this be like a show series so I hope you catching the vibe.


Tubbo clicked on the remote for the TV. It quickly blared out the local news.

A news reporter quickly talked into the camera.

"Today there has been a violent attack in the Satellite labs facility. During this violent attack, many security guards were found wounded, and sent to the hospital. However, the owner's fate was much worse. Clay Dream, the owner of the lab, was found dead. Suspects say the two masked villains were apart of this, and a handful of witnesses suggest the vigilante 'Theseus' is in on it too." The reporter exclaimed to the camera. The others looked at each other in horror, as they knew exactly what was going on.

Chapter 25: On The Run

"Are we fugitives?" Tommy asked, looking at both Tubbo and Y/n. They shrugged, however it seemed as if they were.

"These masked criminals will be stopped, I, as the chief of police, will stand by this. My job is to protect this community." A man in a blue uniform said. As he finished his speech he turned directly to the camera and pointed a finger into the lens.

"And you Theseus, you're going away for a long time. If you don't get shot on sight." He said. The others looked at each other with the exact same expression.

(F/E/N: unrelated but I woke up at 11 am also how's ur day?)

They were equally fucked.

"Shit what now?" Y/n asked. Tubbo shrugged.

"We technically are on the run. But no one knows our identities." Tommy added. The others weighed their pros and cons.

There was a beat of silence before Y/n came to a conclusion.

"We need a way to expose the company." Y/n stated. The others looked at them with a puzzled expression. Y/n sighed before explaining.

"Dream was horrible, and although he is dead, his work isn't. We need the facility to shut down, before someone else catches on to his power." Y/n said with determination. Tommy had his full attention towards Y/n.

"We need to recover as much data from the lab as we can. If we can do this, and collect enough evidence, maybe we could shut it down. Finally put an end to this." Y/n stated with confidence. Tubbo looked at Tommy for reassurance, to which he nodded.

"For now, none of us are in good shape. We should wait until the others are healed before we try anything." Tubbo suggested. Tommy tried sitting up to protest, but was stopped but Y/n lightly pushing him to lie back down.

(F/E/N: Ra1n is this chapter you were writing while talking abt searching things up?)

(A/n: yes)

"Tommy you need to rest." Y/n said sternly, but with a soft tone to their voice. Tommy sighed.

"We should all take a week to rest, plan this whole thing out." Y/n suggested in response.

"They know who we are though, we should find a safe place." Tubbo said, concerned. Tommy raised a finger to respond. He knew someone.


"So the same guy who is taking care of Ranboo is a god who controls ravens and life?" Tubbo said. Tommy nodded.

"AND WE NEVER KNEW ABOUT HIM???" Tubbo said, confused. Tommy chuckled nervously.


"We can trust him. I mean if Tommy and Wilbur trust him enough to handle Ranboo's life, than maybe he is reliable." Y/n said. Tubbo huffed in disappointment that Tommy never mentioned this god to him, but Y/n did have a point.

"For now we should lie low. Especially you Tommy." Y/n pointed out. Tommy huffed. He felt useless, but he knew he had to do what he had to do.

"Fine." Tommy sighed. Tubbo nodded and picked up his many tubs of ice cream.

"I'll leave for now. I'm going to go with Wilbur to check on Ranboo." Tubbo said. The others nodded as he waved before closing the door.

Y/n looked back at Tommy.

"This week has been splendid, hasn't it?" Y/n joked. Tommy chuckled, but held it back his stomach ached when he laughed.

"You doing better?" Tommy asked. He knew Y/n wasn't in the best mental state at the moment. Neither was he, but it was better to stay for each other.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a bit rattled up." Y/n sighed, grabbing a cup of water from a nearby table and taking a sip.

"You can tell me anything." Tommy added. Y/n placed the bottle down and smiled sweetly.

"You don't need to worry about me. Your the one on a hospital bed we stole." Y/n said. Tommy didn't even question the last part.

(F/E/N: honestly neither would I)

"I mean you would have thought, oh we won! Dream is dead! I'm still alive." Y/n said solemnly, but it was more complicated than that.

"It just doesn't feel different, we won the battle, but duels don't finish wars." Y/n said, a sadddned tone was added to their voice.

"And we'll win the war too. " Tommy said. Y/n looked up at him.

"You think so?" Y/n said. Tommy nodded confidently, although he wasn't entirely sure, he knew that they needed any glimpse of hope in this moment.

"Of course I do. I mean, we are a team." Tommy said, lifting Y/n spirits. Y/n smiled and looked at Tommy's vibrant blue eyes as he talked.

"Of course we are a team, but what does that make us?" Y/n asked. Tommy stopped his speech and looked at Y/n. He admired their features in the minimal light the blinds let in.

"What do you want to make of us?" Tommy asked, raising an eyebrow in a suggestive tone. Y/n rolled their eyes playfully but knew this was a serious subject.

"I mean you don't just kiss your friends." Y/n said with a laugh. Tommy smiled.

(F/E/N: Nah see Ra1n's gunna disagree wirh that and imma have to too. Was it Saturday's are for the homies?)

(A/n: you fucking dickhead)

"Friends aren't also vigilantes who have both been victims of knife violence and aren't constantly on the run form the authorities while both having powers." Tommy said, lifting his wing up from his back. Y/n laughed, since he did have a point.

"Seems pretty normal to me." Y/n joked. Tommy laughed as Y/n bent over from their seat to where Tommy lied.

"You're lucky you saved my ass from Dream twice." Tommy laughed, slowly leaning in. Y/n smiled.

"After this, you owe me lunch." Y/n joked before kissing him.

OooOoOoOo the my Datin' now

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 1204


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