45: The After Math

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I don't like the feet but whatever. It's also referenced wish i knew the artist but whatever you probably have seen it.

Mental breakdown

Das pretty much it


Mumza came back and tended to everyone's wounds. Tommy's wing ended up being broken. But nothing Mumza couldn't do.

(F/E/N: all powerful Mumza, please, can you give me sanity for a week)

(Mumza: lmao no)

Everyone was badly wounded than the next. They all were resulting in a lot more wounds than ever.

Y/n refused to lie down or be anywhere remotely far apart from Tommy. Which resulted in Wilbur and Mumza to bring an extra bed in the room with Tommy.

An example of this was that night.

Chapter 45: The After Math

"Y/n you need to rest." Wilbur said as Mumza tried her best to keep Y/n from getting up.

"I am not leaving Tommy's sight!!" Y/n said, sitting up again. Wilbur rolled his eyes.

"They are inseparable." Wilbur said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Mumza smiled and waved their finger. Tommy screamed as he saw Y/n and the other appear.

(F/E/N: inseparable and insufferable smh if I can't have love y can you- /j I love y'all a lot, and I'm very proud of all of you, including you Ra1n)

"Happy now?" Wilbur asked. Y/n smiled and laid down. Tommy raised a confused eyebrow.

"What- I- I'm not even going to ask." Tommy said, lying back down.


Mumza managed to bandage everyone and give proper medication before nightfall. The usb drive was secured carefully in Tubbo's jetpack. Once they had recovered, the truth would be released.


Y/n woke up one night, sweat running from their forehead. Their breathing quickened and and slowly dropped as Y/n attempted to calm their nerves.

"Y/n?" A voice whispered. Y/n looked over to see Tommy.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." Y/n said. They wiped the sweat from their forehead. Tommy reached out to hold Y/n's hand, but the beds were too far apart.

(F/E/n: oh is this mental breakdown you were talking abt or is that a later chapter Ra1n?)

(A/n: maybe)

"Can you push them together?" Tommy asked. Y/n gulped and nodded. They tried to compose their nerves before pushing the beds together with their powers. Tommy lovingly grabbed Y/n's hand.

"I'm so sorry for waking you I didn't mean-" Y/n stumbled on their words. Tthey couldn't compose their nerves, their breath quickened, and they began to hyperventilate.

"It's ok, just take deep breaths." Tommy said. Y/n nodded, Tommy squeezed their hand. Y/n tried to take deep breaths in but they felt choked.

"I'm sorry Tommy- I can't right now." Y/n said, moving their hand away from Tommy's. They dug their face into their palms and choked back tears. Tommy sat up, trying not to show that he was in pain.

"Hey, you're ok." Tommy said, sitting up. He moved his good wing, his other had been broken badly, and wrapped it around Y/n. He leaned his head against their shoulder. Y/n turned towards Tommy and held him close.

It was a cold night, the tears rolled down Y/n's face. They whimpered in Tommy's tight and comforting embrace. Y/n had never let their emotions spill, Y/n barely allowed themselves to cry when Tommy died.

They held him tight, still being gentle since they both were holding off a thread, but it was the only thing they both could cling onto this damp cold night.

Tommy puffed out his feathers, keeping Y/n warm. Tommy didn't mind Y/n crying. It was natural, and they've been needing a break ever since.

He just held them tight. This was the after math.


The next morning Y/n woke up to Tommy clinging onto Y/n body, they somehow ended up in Tommy's bed.

Y/n turned over to Tommy. Y/n had forgotten about their cuts and bruises, it hurt to sit up.

Y/n lightly moved Tommy's wing. Tommy shivered and his wing naturally set back into space. Y/n panicked, thinking they woke Tommy, but luckily it was a false call.

Y/n slowly got off, they noticed the both of them were practically naked. From an outsiders perspective this would have not been an ideal situation to witness. Y/n only had a nice blouse made of bandages that covered only their chest, and sweat pants. Tommy had the same, shirtless except for bandages that covered his chest and sweat pants.


Y/n could barely walk but managed to drag themselves to their room. They quickly raided Tommy's drawer, "borrowing" his hoodies and shirts. A recurring theme in his clothing was baseball tees for some particular reason.

(F/E/N: everyone type 'pray🙏'. 1 'pray🙏' = one more day Tommy gets to keep a hoodie 😔, and it spams Ra1n's notifs - GO MY CHAOTIC CHILDREN DESTROY RA1N'S NOTIFICATION CENTER)


Y/n settled for a simple hoodie and tiredly laid down next to Tommy. He shifted and slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning." Tommy yawned. He grunted as he attempted to sit up.

"Good morning to you too, I'll go get Mumza to bring our medicine." Y/n said, kissing Tommy's forehead. He smiled.

"Hey Y/n?" Tommy said, holding onto Y/n's arm. They turned around.

"Yeah?" Y/n asked, concerned. Tommy's lip quivered, but he quickly back tracked.

"Never mind. Thank you." He said. Y/n smiled and kissed him square on the lips quickly.

(F/E/N: no cuz if it was me and he didn't tell me something, I WOULDA BEAT THE PULP OUT OF HIM IF HE CONTINUED TO NOT TELL ME. #StillLoveYouTommyInnit)

"I'll be back." They smiled before walking out. Once he heard the door shut he huffed a quick breath.

"Fuck me man." He laughed with a frustrated tone before pushing the blanket over his body.

(F/E/N: everyone here rn: 👀
Anyways have a fantastic day, ignore the fact I sound like an outro, and I am so very very proud of all of you. Orange send me the next chapter or else <3)


Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count:


Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now