2: Bright Red Feathers

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AYOO I drew Ranboo, and I'm legit gonna cry. This chapter deleted for no reason and I had to rewrite this. Janddnhdhs

Anyway enjoy.


Y/n walked into the locker and quietly got the locker and lock combination, they walked towards it and fiddled with the lock trying to get it open.

But it was no use.

They sighed and let go of the lock, throwing their backpack on the floor, giving up. But someone walked over.

"Hey, you need help?" She asked, she had faded bubblegum hair, her accent seemed to be German. Her demeanor was sweet and she had a soft smile. She seemed to be one of the much older students. Probably almost graduating. Y/n inhaled quickly in shock at her beauty.


Chapter 2: Bright Red Feathers

"Yeah please." Y/n said, the girl asked for Y/n's combination and quickly opened the lock.

"Thanks." Y/n said opening the locker and shoving their backpack into it.

"No problem, by the way I'm Niki." She said, Y/n closed the locker and looked at her soft expression. Almost motherly.

"Oh, I'm Y/n." They said, Niki opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the bell ringing.

"Well that's the bell, catch you later!" Niki said before walking out to her PE class. Y/n nodded and walked out.

As Y/n walked out, they noticed two boys sitting by the exit of the boys locker room. They noticed it was Tommy and the Tubbo guy from earlier.

"Oh hey." Y/n said, catching Tommy's attention. Tommy opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Tubbo smacking his back, Y/n noticed another bright red feather fall from his shirt.

"OW!! Sorry, hey." Tommy said flustered with embarrassment, Tubbo held back a laugh.

"Which PE teacher do you have?" Tommy asked, walking with Y/n.

"I have Mr. Lopez." Y/n said looking at her schedule in hand.

"Nice!! Me and Tubbo have that class too." Tommy said Tubbo ran over to catch up with them.

They all walked over to their class chatting. Y/n couldn't help but smile at their stupid remarks and brotherly fighting.

Once they went to the class they stood next to each other as the teacher took class role.

Later that day

After school Y/n waved goodbye to Tubbo as they walked with Tommy to his house.

"So I never asked, did you transfer to this school?" Tommy asked.

"Well technically, I didn't transfer from anywhere, I was homeschooled and finally convinced my family to let me go to actual school." Y/n said kicking a rock on the pavement.

"Oh wow, does that make me your first school friend?" Tommy said proudly, y/n rolled their eyes giving him a chuckle.

"I guess, but you're not that special so don't get yourself too hyped up now." Y/n said, Tommy laughed.

Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now