50 - The Yule Ball Begins

Start from the beginning

Students and teachers soon started joining us on the dance floor, waltzing around with us so the focus wasn't completely on the champions. I continued dancing around with George, him whispering jokes or comments in my ear every now and then, making me laugh as he led me.

Eventually, I heard the final note of the song play, and the music stopped. Everyone clapped for the Weird Sisters, before they struck up a new song, this one much faster paced. George's face immediately lit up in recognition, and he pulled me through the crowd while bobbing his head along with the music. He brought us to where Angelina and Fred were dancing together without a care in the world, to the point where people were backing away from them in fear of getting injured by one of their flailing limbs. 

George then took both my hands in his and made me dance along to the music with him, singing out loud in a horrible singing voice. I didn't mind his bad singing, though, as it made the experience much more entertaining and fun.

We danced together, as well as with Fred and Angelina, for a couple of songs, before I got tired and was ready for a break. I told George this and he once again led me through the crowd, but this time to where some refreshments were located. George grabbed a butterbeer for me, handing it over, before he grabbed his own.

I beckoned George down some, so I could speak into his ear and not have to yell over the music. "Can we go outside for a bit?"

"Of course," he said back, and we both headed out of the Great Hall, into the entrance hall, and out the open front doors. We then sat on a bench together just outside the hall, underneath some of the fairy lights that had been strewn about.

"They really made it look nice out here," I said after some moments of silence. "I almost want to stay out here all night."

"The snow really adds to the look, don't you think?" George commented, and I nodded in agreement. "Speaking of, you're not cold, are you?"

"Not at all," I replied, shaking my head. "It actually feels really nice after being in the crowded hall and dancing to a bunch of upbeat songs. It's kind of why I wanted to come out here in the first place. You know, to cool off faster. I also wanted to take a break from the loud music."

"Makes sense," he nodded. "Just let me know if you get too cold, alright? I promise you, the second I see even the slightest bit of a shiver, my coat will be wrapped around your shoulders."

"Alright," I laughed before quieting down. I enjoyed the comforting silence between us as I stargazed, until I heard the familiar clunking sound coming from behind us.

George and I turned around on the bench to see Professor Moody walking toward us, and I sat up straight as he rounded the bench to stand in front of us, squirming slightly under his uncomfortable and intense gaze.

"LaVey." He nodded at me. "Weasley." At George this time. We both sharply nodded back, and he looked around us before focusing back on me. "LaVey, have you figured that egg out yet?"

"No," I quietly responded.

"I suggest," he started, lowering his voice as he leaned down, "you try putting it under the water." He then straightened back up, saying, "Have a good night," before he clunked back off into the castle. George and I watched as he left, before we turned to look at each other, confusion on both of our faces.

"The fuck was that about?" George spoke up first, although quietly.

"I have no clue." I shook my head. "I may want to try and put that thing into the water now, though. It wouldn't hurt, right?"

"I sure hope not," he said. "Do you think you're ready to head back inside yet?"

"Mhmm," I hummed, standing up as George did. We walked back inside, finishing off our butterbeers as we entered the Great Hall again. Another waltz was now happening, but George and I just headed to where all our friends were sitting at one table, not partaking in the dance either.

We sat down in the only two empty seats, George next to Fred, and me next to Cho. I quickly got swept up into conversation after conversation, and barely even noticed when George disappeared off with Fred.

When I did realize their absence, I searched all over the hall to see the twins furiously talking with Ludo Bagman, who just waved them both off and headed to where Harry was sitting. Fred and George then headed back over to our table, sitting down while whispering to each other. Once they were done, I tapped on George's shoulder to get his attention.

"What was that about?" I questioned, nodding my head towards Bagman.

George opened his mouth to say something, but was quickly nudged by Fred. They stared at each other for a second before George turned back to me. "Nothing important. I'll tell you about it later, okay?"


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