Chapter 38|| The Ball

Start from the beginning

Bianca Pattinson was not someone to mess with.

The first people to walk through the door were the Mulcibers, then the Averys, and so it continued, I scanned through the list to see if anyone I could have a civilised conversation with was going to be there but, to my immense disappointment, there was none. I did seriously consider sneaking out and going to Evelyn Green's house a door down but I also confused myself as why I even bothered to come back here anyway. 

A cold voice rudely interrupted my thoughts. "I'm here Pattinson," Rosier said condescendingly, looking down on me even though he was only taller than me by only two inches, it was a wonder how he did that to everyone. Even if they were taller than him, Rosier had a special power of making the tallest tree in the forest cower in his presence, but the annoying thing was, it was like a light switch, he could control this as if it was just a mind game for him.

"I've noticed," I said sarcastically, not looking at him directly and just ticking off his name from the list with the quill my father gave me. He made to say something else as I heard his breath still, but his father ushered him along and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

The next group of people were unknown to me, a work friend of father's most likely, and then there was the Malfoys, a horrible bunch if I did say so myself, and a few more people. Then came a group I was dreading seeing without their main character.

The Blacks. They had so much power surrounding them, and their aura was as dark their hair, even when they smiled it was forced and incredibly predatory, it was all smug and malicious at the same time. Walburga obviously run the family, similar to my own, it was like the father could make an effort but he was too scared of his wife. Then, there was Regulus, who was still quite mysterious to me, Sirius barely talked of him, but he seemed more tolerable then his parents.

Following them was Cygnus and Druella Black, their children, Bellatrix and Narcissa Black, who were both very similar and very different, one largely friendlier looking then the other, both not indifferent to evil, and both showing signs of Pureblood mania. It was a shock to me how the two sisters could be so strange in that way.

Then there was Andromeda Black, she was extremely kind, and I knew a secret that her sisters didn't, she had entrusted Sirius but, of course, he told someone, and that someone was me, that she was to be married to Ted Tonks from the Hufflepuff team and a year older than her, and they were to hopefully run away together.

Finally, Pandora Black flitted in, she was a great surprise to me, it was obvious with the last name that she was a Black, but she was in Ravenclaw, and she was an overall nice person, and she was best friends with a Muggleborn and a half-blood. She also showed great interest in experimenting with spells and potions, and liked butterflies for some weird reason. If I didn't know who she was, I would not have said she was a Black.

 After everyone was ticked off the list, I shut the front door and made my way to the main room where everyone was, it was quite strange inside my house, I know there had been charms placed upon to make it bigger on the inside but average sized on the outside, however it still fascinated me. My house was a mystery to me since I was a small child, everything about this situation was.

The main room was rather large, there was a glass chandelier, and there was plenty of marble and black furniture. There was a fire burning, and a few candles dotted here and there, but it was like we were medieval and my parents preferred candles, adding a huge chandelier for decoration.

My mother made a small speech which, of course, I didn't listen to, and then I decided to distance myself from the majority of the Pureblood population. I was stood by the arch that led to the hallway, and I had a drink of something or another in my hand as I was stood watching the scene unfold before me. That was until someone unexpected decided to come and interrupt and talk to me.

"Athena Pattinson, right? I've heard a lot about you from my brother, I don't know if it's all true but I don't really care. All I'm wondering is, you're hosting this party, why are you not surrounded by conversation? A Gryffindor in Slytherin territory, people should be curious." 

I sighed, Regulus Black was very blunt but being brought up by Mrs Black, I didn't particularly blame him, he'd learnt to be sharp and get to the point.

"You were doing so well in the first half Mr Black, but you have also answered your own question there, I don't fit in very well. But you do, so why are you talking to me? " I asked him. The corners of his mouth twitched like he wanted to smile, but his face kept expressionless and he just said, "Curiosity." 

I had many things to say to that, but he clinked our glasses, took a sip of his own drink, and then walked off without a warning. Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back, I thought to myself, Regulus will be back with more questions, and he'll be very interested in the answers.

I took a sip of my drink and winced at the bitter taste, I guess it is my mother's party after all, everything will likely be bitter. Just as my mother beckoned me over, I snuck upstairs to pack my trunk for tomorrow, where I would celebrate New Years with James, Sirius, Euphemia and Fleamont.

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